
Conflict simulation, peacebuilding, and development

Defense GameTech 2012

Registration is now open for the Defense GameTech 2012 conference, to be held in Orlando on 26-30 March 2012:

Defense GameTech User’s Conference Goals:

  • Advance game technology and its use within the Department of Defense
  • Provide a forum for DoD game technology users to exchange ideas and experience new technologies
  • Inform/Educate/Train DoD personnel on the use of game technology for military training

Defense GameTech Users’ Conference Objectives:

  • Provide tutorials for DoD personnel that maximize their ability to use game technology fielded within DoD
  • Provide DoD personnel an update on industry/academia gaming, virtual world, and mobile application trends
  • Provide community at large an update on DoD gaming, virtual world, and mobile application projects

The slogan of the conference is leveling up to improve warfighter performance, which is further evidence that we need a Comprehensive Ban on Silly Game-Related Metaphors in Serious Game-Related Conferences and Discussions. At this rate, it is only a matter of time before someone subtitles a conference dodging gorilla-propelled barrels for a better tomorrow.

If any PAXsims regular reader will be attending and would be interesting in submitting a report after the event, drop us an email. After all, you’ll be buffing the clan for epic pwnage. w00t!

One response to “Defense GameTech 2012

  1. Skip Cole 04/12/2011 at 12:52 pm

    > Comprehensive Ban (CBoSGRMiSGRCaD0
    It would be an epic win if we could use gamification to get all of the bosses to put pwnage down on the lame use of game terminology. But these looting griefers have multiple re-spawn points. We need a viral, 3-D meme and some serious camping down to frag them!
    BM&Y, if this raid is not winnable, we should just prepare for turtling and grind our way through.

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