Stonehenge in Brasil, at the Center for the Study of the Universe!

photo by May Machado, used with permission

Here it is, the 72nd item on our list of large permanent replicas and our first on the continent of South America. Didn’t we tell you that we knew there had to be at least one? This is another replica associated with a planetarium, often a good place to look for a Stonehenge replica, large or small. For example there is the one at Kuala Lumpur and the trilithon at the Chicago planetarium. Often, if you keep your eyes open, you can find a little Stonehenge somewhere around a planetarium. It’s a thing.

We don’t know much about this one except that it is on the campus of the Centro de Estudos do Universo in São Paulo, Brazil. Or as the say in Portuguese, Brasil. This is actually not our first Brazilian replica. The mosaic fruit jelly henge we posted in 2009 as our 200th post was a Brazilian creation, made by Paula at the Cookie Shop. (Don’t click on that link and scroll down unless you enjoy drooling.)

You can see another shot of this replica here, where someone has come up with a wonderful new spelling: Stonehonge! Love it. And on another page describing the campus we found this bit: “also houses a replica of the small size archaeological site of Stonehenge, whose original is in England, and a replica of an Allosaurus.” Awesome.

But what made us realise that we now totally want to attend this school, was the school’s website, here. It has one of those headers that revolves among several photos, and the second photo shows a couple of extremely buff, scantily-dressed blue-headed aliens! We bet they don’t have any trouble getting beer for keggers.

And now for the henge itself. At first glance, the uprights are so narrow for their height that the casual observer might assume no one even actually looked at Stonehenge. A closer look, however, reveals to our delight that the trilithon horseshoe once again faces the three-lintel stretch in the outside circle. You get points for that, people!

Remember that for when the Stonehenge virus overtakes you and you end up shoveling mud in through the window of your basement and building a Stonehenge while your spouse yells at you and grabs the kids and moves to his or her parents’ place. Which is really more important–keeping your family, or the score you get on the Clonehenge blog? That’s right, folks,–keep your priorities straight and make sure that the horseshoe faces the right way!

Score for our Brazilian Stonehenge, 7  druids! We now have large permanent replicas on every continent but Antarctica, and since the snow and isolation there serve to activate the virus and force people there to build snowhenges on a regular basis (one example here, I think we’ve posted four so far), we’re not  worried about that one. Unless someone can make us a penguin-henge. No, no–that would be bird abuse. Bad blogger!!

Listen, please don’t take this to mean we’ll now be posting on a regular basis. We just have so many replicas stacking up that we had to relieve the pressure a little.  Many thanks to all who send them. Don’t forget you can post your own pictures on the Clonehenge Facebook group. So get henging! And to you Statesiders, we wish you a happy Thanksgiving!

And since today is the start of Clonehenge’s fourth year, happy birthday to us!

One thought on “Stonehenge in Brasil, at the Center for the Study of the Universe!

  1. I love Bahia, i have been there last yearand i must say that for me this is the best part of Bahia. I went to several little place like Arraial dAjudaand Trancoso, my favorites.

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