Wardrobe Refashion vs The Sun Has Got His Hat On

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Bank holiday weekend means three glorious, non-work, consecutive days. Some, if not all of which can be used to Get On With It. Woop!

So I’m challenging my creative self to a duel – to the finish – to:

  • alter bright print shift dress that I broke my Wardrobe Refashion pledge with. Ironically, it needs refashioning cos it’s two sizes too big for me
  • tee-shirts for hubby – there’s a stack needing taking in and tweaking
  • finish off turning green lampshade skirt into a bubble skirt, as I pledged to do as one of my Wardrobe Refashion projects
  • AND, if I’m not creatively spent, write up a tutorial of how I converted a long skirt into a bubble skirt.

But dammit, the sun’s shining in a very alluring, promise-I’ll-stay-up-till-bedtime way,  even at 7.45 in the ayem. And there’s a gorgeous slight chill in the air – not enough for socks, but enough to make your skin tingle.  I feel some careful negotiation between creative self and knackered self, mixed with a good dollop of steely dedication coming on.

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About me

I started this blog to help me Get Things Done: sewing and knitting mostly.
But now I have a daughter! So I continue to daydream in enormous detail about what I'd like to make, but squeeze the 'doing' into precious naptimes and evenings.

Can I keep it up? Time will tell!

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