Candle Reviews: Aquiesse Cinnamon Tabac

Aquiesse is not one of the lines that really grabs my attention/imagination, but I love cinnamon and am on a perpetual quest for the tobacco candle of my dreams, so I couldn’t resist purchasing the 2010 Holiday Cinnamon Tabac candle.  While this is a perfectly good candle, alas, it is not the tobacco candle that I have been seeking.

This is a big candle (10 oz.), and as with all large candles, sometimes it can have trouble burning all the way to the rim and there is a risk of some pitting, which can lead to some sootiness in the burn.  While I had some pitting issues with this candle, they were not serious, and I was able to attain a mostly even burn.  Overall, I liked the packaging of this candle.  I liked the boxes that the Aquiesse Holiday candles came in so much that I cut the box up so I could use its metallic panels in some other project.  The glass jar had good weight, and while I felt there was some incongruity between the brownish tint of the glass, the black lid, and the silver medallion, this is the smallest of quibbles.  The AQ crest on the lid and on the silver medallion are tasteful ways of identifying the candle as an Aquiesse candle.

This candle should be in the 4/4.5 range: I can smell cinnamon.  I can smell tobacco.  (I can’t smell much vanilla, which is also supposed to be in this candle, but that doesn’t bother me too much.)  I love both cinnamon and tobacco.  And yet…I’m somewhat cold toward this scent.  I think I might be cold toward the scent because the scent itself comes off as far too cold for one that is made of a mixture of tobacco, cinnamon and vanilla.  I know that these three scents do not have to be warm, but I prefer them that way, and so I think I’m not as in love with this more restrained version presented by Aquiesse.  On the other hand, the fact that this is more restrained might actually be appealing to others!  I commend the makers of the candle for managing to blend the cinnamon and the tobacco so thoroughly.  Neither note really dominates the other and you can really feel both ‘swirling’ in your nose as you breath in the scent.  However, even when the candle is burning, this is not the smell of cinnamon that one associates with baking or with mulled ciders or things of that nature–it really smells more like a freshly ground cinnamon stick.  In the same vein, the tobacco is not warm, brightly burning tobacco, but the smell of that same tobacco on the breeze.

As I said, this might really be what a number of people are looking for, and if it is, then I think they’ll love this candle, because it’s well-done.  However, I was looking for a little more warmth and thus rate this candle


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