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The Fox & Friends Video News Corp. Doesnt Want You To See

June 4, 2012
Arlen Williams,

Fox and Friends took it this far and what was broadcast was quickly taken down from their Web site. They didn’t even get to the intentional saboteur for globalist Marxofascists part.

And of course, they didn’t get to the fact that many of the very same people who promoted Barack Obama (or Hillary Clinton) have been putting their money and encouraging words behind Mitt Romney – and are once again, getting their way. If you are a regular visitor to the Gulag, you may know we have referred to these, who have either invested to promote both Obama (or Clinton) and Romney, or who have since lauded Romney:

  • Goldman Sachs
  • Morgan Stanley
  • J.P. Morgan Chase & Company
  • UBS AG
  • Citigroup, Inc.
  • George Soros
  • Lynn de Forest de Rothschild
  • Ted Turner
  • add to that a virtual Who’s Who of anti-Sovereignty Aspen Institute and Council on Foreign Relations “Republicans”

To understand the significance, one may wish to read about Carroll Quigley’s quip and why he was able to say what he said.

Someone saved the F&F vid and posted it on YouTube, Friday.

And now… the rest of the story. …..

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