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CDC establishes vaccine ‘task forces’ in local communities to intimidate parents of unvaccinated children, coerce them into compliance

December 12, 2011
Ethan A. Huff, Natural News

Obviously unnerved with the growing number of parents that are choosing to avoid vaccinations for their children, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has decided to establish localized vaccine “task force” squads that go door-to-door in local communities in order to harass parents into compliance.

Every state in the Union has provisions on the books that recognize the freedom of individuals to opt out of getting vaccinated for medical, religious, or philosophical reasons — and in many cases, states recognize exemptions for all three (…). But in an attempt to satisfy its Big Pharma overlords and reverse this trend, the federal government is resorting to bullying tactics in order to stem the anti-vaccine tide.

And now… the rest of the story. …..

One Comment leave one →
  1. R. Roberts permalink
    December 14, 2011 1:18 am

    Parents that are misinformed by the CDC that vaccines for their children are mandatory and or put in fear; intentionally intimidated and lied to by CDC Squads regarding their children having to be vaccinated, may in California sue CDC and cooperating state agencies’ personnel for mental distress and other tort damages.

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