Politoons very first Cartoon Caption Competition!

on the phone by macd

The politoons-masthead-600w Cartoon Caption Contest

here’s a fresh Modern Meme cartoon waiting for the right caption,

so let your imagination run wild and see what you come up with!

Just enter your name, email and caption in the comment boxes below and show off your funny side!

(click on the image to enlarge)


the winner will receive a signed glicee print of this cartoon complete with their winning caption, just in time for Xmas, so good luck!

(if you want to know more about other cartoon caption competitions , try these: the new yorker, the boston globe, the humor times

you can follow politoons for regular updates, and


macds world of humor

and if you want to commission or purchase anything, do get in touch

and thanks for checking out the Politoons Cartoon Caption Challenge! cheers, macd

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