Melody’s Summer Reading Program Completion

Ten book reports later…..Melody is done with her Summer Reading Program! She actually finished 2 weeks ago, but the newbie volunteer from the other week forgot to give her her stamps, and then she had VBS last week, so we went in on Saturday to get her completion packet!

I think I took over this kid’s job because he was super duper confused and kept asking his friend for help.

Picking a sock one last time.

He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to stamp, or to stamp or not.

She got 14 stamps, so she used 10 to get a tiara, 2 to get 2 stickers, and 2 more to get a bookmark.

The board with the names of the kids who are participating at this branch (one of four in the city).

They played a bit.

Melody with her winnings. =p

The prizes were the same as Emily’s, but she got a ticket to the Summer Reading Program Carnival instead of a Toddler Concert. And she also got a Round Table Pizza personal pan pizza, which wasn’t in Emily’s packet.
*Free kid’s meal at Hometown Buffet
*Admit 1 child w/ 1 paying adult @ Fairyland
*1/2 off child’s ticket @ Chabot Space & Science Center
*1 Child Admission to Oakland Zoo
*1 Free youth admission w/ paid adult to Lawrence Hall of Science
*1 student admitted free with purchase of adult admission to Lindsay Wildlife Museum
*Free studio pass for drop-in art program at mocha (Museum of Children’s Art)
*Free kids meal @ Togo’s
*1 Free kids meal at Fresh Choice

2 thoughts on “Melody’s Summer Reading Program Completion

  1. Pingback: Our Week in Photos (Week 30 of 52) | Keeping up with the Moys

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