
Focusing on six words: Helping government do its job better

04.05.2012 DorobekINSIDER: Can technology create Democracy? 10 Leadership Commandments from a Four Star Admiral

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It’s Day Three of FOSE week and the DorobekINSIDER is there brining you the inside scoop at the annual government IT conference and trade show. Chris has been tweeting up a storm and you can follow him @cdorobek.

FOSE has been producing some great panels like the Former Senator Senator from Maine George Mitchell’s panel on technology and peace negotiations was particularly fascinating.

Senator Mitchell says with the way the world is structured today the US cannot win wars with simple military superiority.

You need four additional actors: 

  1. More effective and cooperative police work
  2. Diplomacy
  3. Financial and economic interdiction
  4. Better Intelligence gathering and analysis

But Senator Mitchell warns that even if the Arab Spring can can start and maintain a revolution it is still a long road to democracy.

Revolutions are unpredictable. You have to remember that it took the United State’s seven years after the Revolutionary War ended to set up a democratic constitution.”

In order to create a new government you will need a powerful and proven leader. Admiral Eric Olson is one of the best. The Admiral is the former commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command and retired Four-star Navy SEAL who has over 38 years in government.

All of that experience has made Admiral Olson a proven and successful leader.

He told the crowd at FOSE about his list of 10 commandments to build a high powered team.

  1. Know the purpose
  2. Select the right people — or get to know the people thrust on you
  3. Train and educate your team from the start but don’t stop training
  4. Present your team with adversity and see how they handle it — Character under stress cannot be faked
  5. Organize for success
  6. Learn fearlessly
  7. Show trust in your team
  8. Hold them to a high standard
  9. Be their advocate and champion
  10. Live the life of a leader — Leaders are never off duty

Over on GovLoop we’re asking you, “What other commandments should be added to Admiral Olson’s list?

— Emily Jarvis

Written by jarvisdorobek

April 5, 2012 at 11:45 AM

Posted in Uncategorized

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