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The Four Best Openers

May 9, 2004 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

The incomparable ijjjjji has a post up about his four best openers.

ijjjjji writes:
First, get this: _what_ you say aint important.


1 Big smile.
2 Stretch arms towards her like girls in ‘hey-ya’ video.
3 Give her a crushing bear hug and a kiss on the cheek.
4 Back up and look at body “Aww..”
5 Look back in eyes with SHY PUPPY DOG FACE.
6 Hug her again.

PROS: Gets extremely positive reactions from her and all her friends – always. Makes groups of girls crawl all over me and hug and kiss me.

CONS: Only works in party settings(pub/club/party). Almost impossible to transition from ‘party girl rapport’ to ‘real’ rapport. So good for getting *great* pivots who will almost rape you in the pub/club. Useless for getting girls to fuck you!
1 The low eye lids ‘fuck me now’ look. (read GWM)
2 The relaxed sexual smile.
3 Reach out and touch her hair.
4 “Aww.. so nice! Is it real?”

Pros: Gets positive reactions. Makes girls horny and ready for isolation extremely fast. Step 1 & 2 alone often leads to target approaching me.

Cons: Makes some girls a little shy. Makes her friends jump in to cock block, so bad for groups and 2-sets.
1 The ‘you are naughty’ grin
2 The ‘inner’ laughter
3 The intrigued look
4 Any opener

Pros: Makes her intrigued. Initiates cocky frame, perfect for running C&F attraction material.

Cons: Gives her a lot of power, since after watching your performance (C&F attraction phase) _she_ decides if you are ONS/BF material or not.
1 Walk around like a sumo wrestler before a match, looking directly in front of you like everyone else are air. (search for ‘sumo’ to read more)
2 Stop and spread your body as much as possible.
3 The hottest girls will gravitate towards you. When they get close, throw them a bored comment WITHOUT TURNING/MOVING/EC.

Pros: She will be _very_ attracted already when you open her – you got full control – avoid fuckup and you can nail her after very short period of time. Leads to toilet sex sometimes. No verbal material required. You will feel more like a MAN than ever before. All the hottest girls will drool over you and open you next time they see you alone. Works great in _any_ location with multiple girls.

Cons: Requires complete understanding and mastery of being alpha and requires great state – if not, 100% useless.
Thats it! When I get a *solid* opener, the rest of the PU goes kinda effortless because a strong opener creates a strong frame. There you go – how to open, actually for real!

Disclaimer: As always, zero BS in this post! Everything based on stuff that happened to me (ijjjji) – repeatedly – in field.

Wow, good stuff from the alphabet man gone wild. You can read the whole thread here. If you’re interested in learning more about Opening/Approaching, be sure to check out my book The Art of Approaching. The sooner you buy it, the sooner I can dispense with the shameless plugs! =)

Get Your Free Guide Here!


5 Responses to “The Four Best Openers”
  1. DoctorOwl says:


  2. RedEyes says:

    I prefer to act like a mime. The “stuck in the box” routine can get you to attraction FAST! It also leads to toilet s3x, sometimes.

  3. Doc says:

    I must agree….

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