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Put your Money where Mystery’s Mouth Is…

March 26, 2004 by  
Filed under Drama & Rumors

Well, it’s been a while since we’ve had a little Mystery Video Scandal, so I guess we were due for another one.

Mystery recently got a new girlfriend.  She’s a rather pretty and peppy Russian girl who I got to meet when I ran into Mystery on 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica a few days back.  Frankly, I think the girl is gorgeous.  Very much my type physically.  Mystery seems to agree.  So he made a little video to show her off to the masses, and posted it on mASF.  Of course, after a few congratulatory posts, the wolves came out to feed…

Gunwitch writes:
Shes a 10?

I mean not to be a dick. I admire your courage for coming out and saying finally that you do use sexual state stuff. Agree totally with the identity post.

But come on "you dont know what good IS!" "ELITE BEST WOMEN!" stuff youve talked before.

Shes an 8 socially, maybe YOUR 10, maybe a fine human being, she seems sweet enough and like a decent person. But a perfect hb 10 that you will only accept?

Maybe finally allow personal taste to come in to play for a change. EVERY chick you bang isnt a perfect hb 10 to ALL men.

No offense intended, cool ya got proof, shows once and for all ya aint just a poof, but ya gotta know taste varies, dont brag about hotties when ya aint got them fine butts, dont drag other guys guys bitches down when its all about your own nutts.

Ah, with such poetic musings as that, it’s no wonder Gunwitch can woo so many women!  Regardless, the gauntlet was thrown, and Gunwitch took Mystery to task for his bragging about getting some of the HOTTEST women around.  This, of course, warrents a response back from the Mystery Man himself…

Mystery writes:
>Shes a 10?

Objectively I would rate her a 9. (Well, a 9.2 but that’s getting kooky haa.) Definitely a hot babe. The entire first part of the vid is with NO MAKE-UP … the true test of beauty. In make-up, she is the hottest girl in the club (at least the last club I went to with her).

>Shes an 8 socially.

No. She’s definitely a 9. I’ll have to buy a scanner (since Style’s never works) or find my good camera (which was last seen in Playboy’s hands) to show her modeling pix.

Anyways, Gunny, several people have told me that you have never been seen in person by anyone in the community and you have rejected every invite. Come on down to the PUA summit. April 1 to 5. It’ll be a big stupid cockfarm but should be a laugh. I’m coming back from NYC just to attend (seeing as Herbal T is running it in our house) before heading back to NYC for a workshop.

Can you make it? Then you can meet her in person too.

So Mystery makes the mistake of qualifying a bit here to that dastardly Gunwitch, but then proceeds to subtly undermine Gunwitch’s criticism by pointing out that he may very well be the biggest armchair guru ever to exist, while issuing a challenge for Gunwitch to prove himself and therefore qualify to Mystery.  So was his rating this girlfriend a "9.2" a way of showing false surrender to lure Gunwitch into a trap?

Maybe.  But Gunwitch doesn’t quite take the bait.  Instead, he retreats a little bit at the prospect of a challenge.

Gunwitch writes:
I wont be in LA for the summit but WILL be in texas november as i’ve made commitments to be there.

Didnt mean any offense by this at all as I am trying to swear off all board politics and try to remember the "PU is PU, PU is NOT MASF" motto and stop getting wrapped up in bullshit.

After tyler saying you guys use a progressive sexual state in your PUs I had to realize the debates are probably moot. You guys dont come off non sexual and I dont drool on and grope women so someplace in the middle is probably where all guys who know thier shit meet.

Its just a personal taste issue, which gets to me, that yep on the same token no ones seen me or my women, claims that GWM only get ya 6s and 7s and that no one knows what good is arent logic, its just speculation as obviously no one has seen these women gotten by GWM.

In my book the ratings scale should be 1-3. Guy says shes a 3 that pretty much would indicate a hot chick. a 1 ugly a 2 mediocre or plain. Surely I believe you only fuck 3s on the 1-3, but 10s vs 8s is a bit kooky to me as its all subjective.

Mystery then goes on to answer the biggest question on everyone’s mind:  Why would he post such a video in the first place?

Mystery writes:
I suppose I show my personal life because I don’t appologize for it like a lot of people do. Im not embarrassed to be me. I welcome judgement. If you want to know what I look like, goto my website and see the pix. If you want to see how I speak, watch the video clip. If you want to see who my friends are (guys and girls), watch the WTF? episodes. If you want to watch me interact with others, come to my workshop. If you want to learn how to attract women, come to my seminar (next one in NYC this week). If you want to fight me, meet me outside. This is the one thing none of you can deny … I live my life MY way. I don’t stay behind a keyboard living vicariously through others. I appologize for NOTHING I’ve done … ok, except that time I posted a naked pic of a GF here (but her face wasnt in the shot and it wasnt a big deal but she did find out and got hurt by it so … yeah, I appologize for hurting her … other than that, BRING IT ON.)

I am currently editing episode 4 of WTF? now. I’ll have it up soon.

Love Mystery

PS: I love this girl. Emotions are what separate me from a lot of the guys in this community. But dont take emotional for soft. I carry a big stick.

So a bit of qualifying to the masses never hurt anyone.  Mystery makes his intentions clear in a very eloquent way.  But unfortuneately, it is not to everyone’s liking…

DVS writes:
it’s cool that your happy. but i have to say i’m a little dissapointed, she does not quite live up to the "you don’t know what good is" hype. like seriously, i probably would not have even approached her.

So DVS lays out the issue pretty bluntly.  It’s something Gunwitch touched on, but DVS seemed to have hammered home.  And that is:  Mystery talks the talk, but he doesn’t seem to walk the walk.  Now, this girl is pretty attractive.  But by putting that video out there for the public, Mystery opened himself up for criticism because his marketing may not be in line with what other’s perceptions are.  But regardless, Mystery responds…

Mystery writes:
oh blahhhh. you guys will get to meet her when you come to the PUA summit. You’ll see. She’s definitely a hottie and you are just shit talking now in spite haa. you wouldnt approach her because you don’t approach anyone. :P

Seriously, come to the PUA summit. it’ll be a blast guys. lets shit talk in person. much more fun. and of course I will not hold accountable anyone who talks shit online cause I know its just crap talk for entertainments sake.

see you all there.

So Mystery chooses to dismiss the criticism while jokingly negging his critic.  He then goes on to INVALIDATE all criticism by framing it as "entertaining online shit talking."  Smooth.

But not content to let him go so easily, the mASF Gods decide to drop the hammer and sic Moderator2 on everyone’s favorite Canadian Guru.

Moderator2 writes:
Mystery, congratulations on finding love!

Now, please also find the posting guidelines and stop posting your name in the header of your posts. All the other big names do it too, so its nothing personal, we are calling everyone on it.

So Mystery nips the drama in the bud by doing what any elite seducer would do… the dreaded TAKEAWAY!

Mystery writes:
its moderation like this that compells me to ONCE AGAIN reframe from posting my gold on this site. Thank the moderator for 1 month of NO MYSTERY (or MYSTERY’S FRIENDS) on this site. Sometimes people must be treated like girls. *shrug* the point of moderation is to keep people like RAY GORDON from disruption. all MODS should be handled OFF THREAD (email in private).


PS: no reply neccessary because I am not returning for a month (my mass emailer has requested my friends dont post on this site either).

see you at the summit.

Ah, notice how Mystery used the phonetic ambiguity "reframe from posting my gold to this site," instead of the more correct "refrain from posting my gold to this site."  Something which I’m sure was purely intentional!  Though he did not give proper credit for that tactic, so I’m sure someone is getting sued.  =)

Joking aside, I find all the little mind games here quite fascinating.  I know Mystery well enough to know he’s a sharp cookie, and his understanding of social interaction runs quite deep.  So to see it play out in such a monster thread is very entertaining.  Maybe some snotty-snoots would say I’m being a social robot here, but whatever.  As Mystery said, it’s all "just crap for entertainments sake."

You can read the whole thread here.

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