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Advice Opener

March 16, 2004 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Well, we’ve all heard of Neutral Opinion Openers, but I found a post on the DJ Forums that talks about something called “Advice Openers.” Now, we’ve all probably used these at some time or another without knowing it, but this is the first time I’ve ever really seen it broken dow as a legitimite form of opening a woman.

Just to warn you, this seems more conducive to venues outside the clubs. So all you coffee shop/grocery store/street guys, this may be something to add to your repitoir…

Anti-Dump writes:
I always approach women by giving ‘unsolicitated advice’. Ever have someone make a comment and you didn’t ask for advice? Annoying isn’t it? But it works with women. The ‘advice’ must be positive and you are supporting the women’s choice.

Suppose she’s looking at a coat. I would approach and say “that coat will definitely keep you warm this winter.” She would then turn and look at me and make a comment back. Then you ask for her name.

You are not saying “That looks good on you”. It’s not flattery.
It has to be PRACTICAL advice. Like a better shoe polish.

An hour ago a woman in a supermarket parking lot was loading groceries into her trunk as I was walking past. She was starting to reach UNDER the cart to get the groceries. I almost said “Yea. Don’t forget those. Did you ever forget stuff under there? What a pain, huh? What’s your name?”

Give positive advice that HELPS the woman. It must be REAL and SINCERE. “Sometime you should take the RED bus. It will get you to London a half an hour faster.

What’s your name?”

“Excuse me. You should definitely put some air in that tire (low tire). You’ll get a flat soon. What’s your name?”

Asking for her name will signal her you are in ‘Romantic Mode’.

She has to know your intentions.
Then she will either talk or ‘reject’ (low interest) you.

The best places to use this are at social gatherings or fairs and events. Where there are lots of people. My examples are for the street only to show that it can be done anywhere if necessary.

I gave you the HARDEST places.

Then you ask for her HOME phone number. The actual conversation you ‘carry on’ before the number is something you have to INVENT yourself. I can’t tell you that. It has to fit your style.

Anti-Dump then goes on to list some strategies for setting up the First Date from this opening. It’s pretty good stuff, I think. A different style from your typical “club game.” You can check out the whole post here.

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3 Responses to “Advice Opener”
  1. Yuri says:

    The “What’s your name?” right after you give her advice shows that you only said it to pick her up. This might work for a PUA, but not for a newbie. The context is all wrong. It sounds like you just said something to ask her what her name is and to “get in” with her. It makes what you said into a lame line.

    That said, I do use “giving advice” as a technique somewhat often.

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