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13 Dead World War II Children

Posted on April 13, 2010

When I was 11, I used to go ghost hunting with my friend behind a sports centre (with sound proof walls)after Drama. We did it regularly after she heard laughter of children when she was the only person there. I went there with her, and we listened intently for voices, laughter or perhaps a cold wind. The first time I was extremely scared, but we saw more. I heard a creaking door and children laughing. I heard the whistle of something. I ran and I took one last glance and saw a silhouette of a man with only half an arm and with crutches gliding towards us. Luckily it was near a main road, so I felt safer after that.

The next time I saw a little less, perhaps because I was less scared. But we heard different things – the voice of a mother saying, “Come in now, its nearly time for blackouts!” After I heard that I had suspicions that they were World War II ghosts.

I didn’t go for ages, until near my 12th birthday. I got scared again, so I sat and hoped to see/hear (but you didn’t see much) the whole thing. I heard laughter, and the bark of a dog, and felt something bounce off me, like a ball. Two children were whispering faintly about something, then giggling. The creak of an old wooden door. “Come in now, it’s almost time for blackouts!” shouted a woman. The children groaned. Footsteps passed me. But I heard a whistle, like a bomb. The whistle stopped. I knew that when the whistle stopped you had 10 seconds until the bomb landed. Instinctively, I shouted, “Look out!” But they were ghosts that were events replayed over and over again, unaware of the living. There was a huge explosion, I’m guessing, but it was faint and quiet, just as the rest of the ghosts were.

I was about to leave when I could feel someone watching me. I only get that feeling when someone really is. I turned – and it was that man I had seen before. He was gliding towards me. I left the shortcut at the back of the sports centre.

My friend’s Nan told us the whole ghost story. It happened like this:

There was a woman who looked after 13 children. Only 3 were hers- the rest were adopted. She had 5 Anderson shelters – which are the hills at the front of the Sports Centre – and they all grouped into them when there were raids from the Nazis. The lady cared for her children a lot. She would die if they did. One night, they played out longer than usual, and she had to tell them to go in. They were upset because they had been playing a good game. The were going in when the bomb was falling and they panicked. The two eldest children (who were the ones who had been whispering) to go in but they didn’t get inside on time. They all died – the mother and the children. The children only became ghosts because the had unfinished business – their game.

A soldier saw their ghosts when some soldiers had returned (just before Doodlebugs started coming over)- and ran to tell them to get inside because the Germans had said that them might return. But there was an unexploded bomb in the bush- and he blew up with them too. His unfinished business was tell the children that message.

I believe that story as I believe that I am alive. I am 100% sure it is real. I wonder if you think it is real.

My friend is a Scout and said that they had a bonfire night the year I turned 12- and they saw them. There were 13 children normally but there were only 7 this time. My friend walked home with 6 shadows. There was only one light around her- the streetlamps above her. Ever since there have only been 7 children rather than 13. She thinks they share her body.

Sent in by Isabella Oliviet, Copyright 2010

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Tags: Soldier Ghost

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13 Responses to “13 Dead World War II Children”
  1. trolldoll1681 says:

    where is this place? i believe you! it’s so sad that innocent people die in times of war.

  2. vulcan10 says:

    by “nan” I guess you mean grandmother? How old is she that she remembers the bombings of wwII? and what are “anderson shelters”? Also, what country and city did this take place in? And how did anyone know that – “they played out longer than usual, and she had to tell them to go in. They were upset because they had been playing a good game. The were going in when the bomb was falling and they panicked. The two eldest children (who were the ones who had been whispering) to go in but they didn’t get inside on time. ” ? was there someone standing there witnessing these events? I’ve heard and read how people believe that some ghosts are here because of unfinished buisness. That doesn’t make sense to me. The time of their buisness has passed never to return so it would be impossible to “finish” that particular piece of buisness, besides the obvious point of their being a ghost. It would seem that there would be an infinite amount of things to do after death, “supposing you don’t go to hell” and this little event which took place in the blink of an eye we call life wouldn’t be but a slight memory if even that in eternity. And thinking seven children share your body. Ye Gads!! I do believe that the children could have died. and there could be a haunting going on, or a replay of events. The rest seems to be the retelling and embellishment of the tale.

  3. big barney says:

    sorry…but this story is too far out there to believe….not good….did not enjoy…..it is just not believable at all

    • arlyn says:

      Ghost stories are not to be told for enjoyment or entertainment. If you don’t want to believe, it is up to you. It is your right not to believe, but did you know that sometimes, we can hear the ghost talking to us even without any tools like a sound recorder.

      If you don’t have this kind of experience, I did have.

      • Annica says:

        Yeah, I agree with Arlyn. You dislike so much stories here, & if you don`t believe them, then maybe you can just go out of the site

  4. thraxbaby says:

    That’s so sad. I think I’ve seen something similar. At my old apartment, when I was 4 or 5, I saw this man in a navy blue jacket with little decorations on the front and a white military-looking hat. We didn’t have any visitors that day and I would have thought it was someone in our house, but his legs faded as I looked down. I didn’t know about ghosts until a year or two later.

  5. anna says:

    how did you know that it was ghosts from ww 2,just by the lady said come in now its nearlytime for blackout?no i know i just read a little.thats so sad that they all died.i do believe the story.im not really into the world war stories.(dont know why)but this was not bad.thats for sharing.

  6. FaerchFan\ says:

    that place should be on Ghost Hunters! It seems like something they should investigate and it would definitely make an interesting episode! Thanks for your story. Most stories on here I can’t imagine in my head but I could this one it was like it was already being investigated by TAPS :)

  7. Daiweide says:

    The story is obviously from the UK. Anderson shelters were the bomb shelters made from corrigated metal sheets that were built into the ground of gardens of homes all across England. At night the family would go into the bomb shelters to protect themselves from the German bombing. ‘Blackout’ was a term during WW2 when lights in all buildings had to be turned out or black blinds put up to hinder the efforts of the German bombers.

  8. trolldoll1681 says:

    thanks for the info daiweide!! england was hit so often that some people were crushed in there apts. and homes.

  9. izzy says:

    i wrote this story, just to say.
    vulacn10, itis just local myth. its probably been passed down and people made up what they were thinking.
    and big barney-
    im sorry you dont believe it but i guess everyone has opinions.
    and a BIG thank you to Daiweide who cleared up a lot of things for other readers. Thank you!

    btw caretaker why has a picture of a penguin next to my comment?

    • Caretaker says:

      The avatars are automatically displayed depending upon the email address you enter in the comment box. At one time you, or someone with your email address, created an avatar with that penguin at gravatar.com or at wordpress.com. For those people who have never created an avatar at one of those 2 sites a shadow silhouette default avatar will display.

      If anyone would like to customize their avatar just go to http://www.gravatar.com and set it up. Your avatar will be displayed automatically on many blogs without your needing to login or be a member of anything.

  10. martha says:

    Hi folks,
    I enjoyed this story. For the ones of us who live in the USA if you live near the ruins of an old Jap camp you may find spirits there from the WWII era. The one we have locally is really creepy.

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