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My Past to My Future

Posted on April 9, 2010

When I was a little girl I never really had much fear of the dark, never thought spirits existed. I was just an ordinary girl. I lived in an older type house.

Well one night I was playing with my dollhouse my father got me, it was a stormy night. It was very quiet, with my mother and father watching TV downstairs in the living room. While I was playing, I was getting bored and decided to clean up my toys. As I was putting my dollhouse away, I felt a weird feeling as if I were being watched. I didn’t think much of it, but as I was about to stand up to put my toys away, I felt a presence behind me, and then a feeling of a hand resting upon my shoulder. I went stiff, scared to move at all. The feeling of the hand never once let up. I slowly turned my head to the side, trying to see if by chance my mom or dad maybe has came in when I wasn’t looking. Well I saw nothing on my shoulder but still felt that hand there. I turned my body very slowly to see behind me, focusing on the feeling of my shoulder, seeing if it would go away, and as I looked behind me I saw nothing there. I screamed and began crying my eyes out and I got up and ran out of my room horrified and my mother and father ran to see if I was okay.

My father went to my room to see if anything was there, as my mom held me downstairs. She told me that it might have been a very old relative that had passed away before I was born or can remember. My father came down minutes later and told me that there was no one there (this was years ago, and I am now 16).

As time past, and I moved out of that house, things have never been the same. I see, feel, hear and occasionally see the paranormal. I never can communicate with them, for I never see them long enough. My friends have been with me, experiencing these occurrences at times.

Another night, I was with my friend, she was sleeping over, we were watching TV in the living room and there was a commercial on and I went to the bathroom. As I finish, I hear a noise behind my shower curtain. It sounded like a little boy crying. I slowly open it, afraid of the noise. Nothing was there. I screamed for my friend and waited for her, not looking the the tub at the moment. I told her I heard a noise and she looked into the tub, and right below the handles for the water, was a bloody hand print. She and I freaked out, cleaned it up before my mom came home and her and I were scared to use the bathroom alone or with the door closed for months.

After those times, I’ve see shadows of cats and kids throughout my house. I would hear people talking, objects moving and so on.

Since I’ve moved out of that house, and into my new one, I knew something has been here. I’ve been living here for little over a year. But as I was looking at the house, I knew something was upstairs, a man. I’ve seen him a couple times. I have no words to describe him.

After I moved into the house, it was a couple nights after living here, I could hear girls giggling in the dark when I’m trying to sleep and my bed shaking. Sometimes I would look around, there would be a girl, about my height (5’2. She has light brown hair, a little past her shoulders, a white shirt on, and blue jeans. She was very pale… as if she was sick. She would just stand there and watch me.

Another girl I would see would be an older women, maybe late 20s. She would wear a long white summer dress, with curly black hair. She wasn’t as pain as the young girl though. They always stand near my door or my bed side, but they wouldn’t ever move.

Sent in by Brittany, Copyright 2010 TrueGhostTales.com

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7 Responses to “My Past to My Future”
  1. eliza says:

    That’d be really creepy, just having two girls watching you while you’re in bed, you should get up and see if they move then, i like throw a pillow at it. Lol probably not a good idea.

  2. big barney says:

    big barney believes that you have a gift…but i dont understand what the titlle of this story has to do with anything….it was an ok story….maybe the dead will start to show themselves to you all the time and you will be overwhelmed by it…everywhere you look they will be there…..some of them might even start wanting you to do certain things for them so they can rest….some will be with you forever!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. anna says:

    i think its cool.you have that gift.you should do back round checks on the houses you’ve lived at.there maybe a story behind that.

  4. rahul says:

    horror story

  5. vulcan10 says:

    Why on earth would a mother tell her young child after she was scared -”She told me that it might have been a very old relative that had passed away before I was born or can remember.” That is nuts. That’s just feeding a childhood imagination. And why didn’t you leave the hand print there so everyone could see it? That was evidence. Never destroy evidence.

  6. me says:

    well, that must feel strange, to wake up and have 2 little girls staring at you. but it doesnt sound as though they whant to hurt you. maybe they are just lonley?

  7. mitchell says:

    that handprint wouldov been scary…instead of screaming (knowing me) i wouldov ran for it

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