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Shadows and Opening Doors

Posted on June 10, 2011

I am wondering if my house is haunted, is there such a thing as a shy ghost? I don’t feel a presence, or any strange feelings and I do not think it is haunted, but me and my daughter have experienced paranormal things.

My daughter was sitting in her room one day (it’s off from the den) and she happened to look into the den and she saw a black shadow peek out of the bathroom which is also off from the den. We could not explain it.

One day I was in the den and I was calling the dog, I saw the shadow of the dog on the carpet so I thought he was behind me. I turned but I did not see him, my daughter said he was in her room under the bed. What was the shadow that I saw?

Then we started having problems with my room door. My daughter was in my room and she said all of a sudden the door swung open and there was nobody there. We tried closing other doors to try to recreate it, because some times doors will open by themselves, when another door opens because of the air pressure, but we could not recreate it. I was sitting in my room and the door opened by itself, I thought it was my nephew and I asked what he wanted, he was in another part of the house. So what caused the door to opened? This does not happen often but it does happen.

I am waiting to see what happens next, but the strangest thing that happened was when we were in the house alone in my room and my daughter was making strange noises with her mouth. The science fiction theme was on her cellphone so she tried recreating it. When she finished we heard the same noises she did and it sounded faraway but it was right in the room. We were more perplexed instead of scared.

I want to use my recorder to see if we can catch an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) but we’re afraid of what we might find. So does anybody know if my house is haunted or are we just crazy? How could I find out? By the way we have a dog and once in a while he will look at something that we cannot see and he will bark for no reason at all but whatever it is he is not scared. I thought dogs were suppose to be frightened of spirits.

Sent in by Voodoochile, Copyright 2011 TrueGhostTales.com

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Tags: Shadows

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3 Responses to “Shadows and Opening Doors”
  1. manss says:

    I don,t know why the door is opened, maybe for an mechanical cause but if you feel there is an unobservable probably is a demon although sometime demons move or shoot things around so that door can be opened by them too. I don,t know what do exorcists to banish the demons from a place I,m not sure they succeed in all cases because some demons are so strong and disobedient and even may hurt exorcists. The single way is particular prays that is sent from god to protect humans of baneful entities.
    anyway I think your living place is remote and offer to change your house and go to a populous place.

  2. Buddy says:

    What you have in your house is an entity called a “Shadow Person” a.k.a. Shadow People, these are considered one of the most common types of entities that is likely to be found in most places (you can check it out on the Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_people). They are by no means ‘shy’, they just move about without us even knowing. They are often seen through the peripheral vision or on the edges of your field of view, they are rarely reported to be seen directly and they are known to move very fast. Be warned, do not try to confront it or talk to it. Although they may seem harmless they are known to be malevolent entities and can inflict harm if aggravated. Some accounts say they prefer hanging out into children’s rooms in closets, under the beds or any dark areas. They are usually described as jet black entities that can be seen in total darkness.

    At present there are no known EVP recordings of this entity, but you can capture it on camera. Take pictures of the places where you believe the shadow person could be lurking. Make sure anybody is in the room where you will take the pictures and turn on the camera flash. Most Shadow People will manifest as dark or black mist in the photos. There are captured photos of shadow people found on the internet, but they were all taken using film cameras, not sure if they can be picked up digital ones though. Be very careful and Good Luck shadow people hunting!

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