An unreliable memoir

The first orchid

Early Purple Orchid Orchis mascula

Nikon D5200 Tokina 100mm f22 1/180 ISO 200

It’s a very special day of the year for me – my first orchid of 2015. An appropriately named Early Purple Orchid (Orchis mascula) with the buds just breaking. Not the best photograph because this spike was hidden by vegetation and in a ditch so I couldn’t get close for a macro shot or a clear view shooting from a distance. Gorgeous though, isn’t it? Although the weather was a bit grey, so many other fascinating plants in the ancient wood. So many shoots and buds, so much to look forward to in the coming weeks:

Cloud Wood 19-04-15

Town Hall Clock, Adoxa moschatellina a plant of wet woodlands and streams. Known as ‘Town Hall Clock’ because the flowers face out in four directions at 90 degrees to each other, rather like the four faces of a town clock. The four outward facing flowers usually have 5 parts whilst the upward facing flower usually has only four parts. This early specimen only has the terminal bud open.

Opposite-leaved Golden-saxifrage, Chrysosplenium oppositifolium – another wet woodland plant and an indicator of ancient woodland.

Cowslip, Primula veris – because it’s Spring!

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