Chipmunk Toss

Chipmonk at the door
Chipmonk at the door

Like everyone else, the chipmunks are slowing down this time of year. Whether they are too fat and complacent from the the bountiful summer or just getting sleepy in preparation for winter hibernation, they are piling up at our door. And our cat, Ornette, is responsible for the slaughter. I guess he thinks he is doing a good thing, bringing them up to the door, like he’s doing his share to put bread on the table. At most he puts puncture wounds in their necks and only occasionally will he eat some of the head. I’ve seen some chipmunks get up and take off after this treatment. It’s kinda gross. Today there were three of them. I keep a shovel by the door to scoop them up and then I toss them out back in the woods.


9 Replies to “Chipmunk Toss”

  1. Why in the world you would write and photograph this is beyond me – really! You have great talents in art and music, you have fascinating friends, your food and restaurant adventures are legend, etc. I know it’s reality – I know it happens – but so do autopsies – are they next on the nit parade? Car crashes? Stabbings? They all happen and we all know they do….but why feature them? In a world chock full of killing and death, do you really need to focus on crap like this in Pop-Wars? You-re better than that. (Hope we-re still friends).

  2. We’ve seen our fair share of unfortunate Chipmunks. Our hapless Munks usually splosh into the pool and drown. I scoop ’em out and hurl ’em deep into the woods.

    We had quite a few last year but only one so far. Hopefully we won’t have any more before we close the pool later this week. We’ll close the pool earlier next year.

  3. A couple more chipmunks have taken their last dip in our pool. We’ll close it earlier next year! Must be a chipmunk thing!

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