Over the weekend: Another massacre of youths in Cd. Juarez; Mexican drug cartel reaches into northern Texas

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A proposal for Comprehensive Immigration Enforcement and Reform


Saturday 10/23/10

El Universal (Mexico City) 10-/22/10

Gulf cartel clarifies attacks on Army

In an attempt to clarify attacks against the Mexican military and federal police, the Gulf drug cartel in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, placed narco-banners on four bridges in the city assuring that its battle is against their rivals, Los Zetas, and not the federal government. In the past few weeks, Army and Navy bases and federal police lodgings have been hit by narcotraffickers.


Los Zetas arsenal seized in Tabasco state

Mexican Federal Police in the southeastern gulf state of Tabasco seized an arsenal of 75 high-power firearms, 12 grenades and 2,275 rounds of ammo hidden in a trailer for transporting horses. The vehicle’s occupants, a man and a woman, are believed to be members of the criminal gang Los Zetas. Among the firearms were 34 AK-47 rifles 17 [Belgian] FN FALs, 13AR-15s, five submachine guns and two [Israeli] Gallil rifles. [The other four firearms weren’t listed.] Agents also seized two kilos of cocaine.



The North American agenda
by Enrique Berruga Filloy, El Universal

North America has never been a region for Mexican sentiment. Their admiration has been essentially directed toward Europe — those who are indeed sophisticated and with class – while their hearts and nostalgia – above all in official oration – are directed toward Latin America and the Caribbean. Thus, we have put ourselves on the side of those who have problems similar to ours instead of trying to discover what those other countries did to resolve their problems.

For Canada, the United States and Mexico, this is a good opportunity to draw up a map for the future of the region. For many years to come, Mexico’s major interests will continue to be concentrated on our neighbors to the north. To maximize them, it becomes more convenient from the tactical point of view that trilateral negotiations take place – with full Canadian involvement – to meet face to face with the United States. Thus, the challenge is to devise a genuinely trilateral agenda to resolve our own problems and, above all, to successfully confront competition and threats from other regions.

It is not necessary to bog themselves down in discussions about North American integration like the European project. The United States’ character of global power would only drag us into policies and missions where neither Canada nor Mexico would be able or want to go. What would be more suitable to do, and in this we have already lost much time, is to build institutions of North American scope in matters of common interests and benefits. Migration, energy, security, the environment, water, border modernization, telecommunications and scientific and technological investigation are natural areas for creating institutions of North American scope.

An orderly and reliable flow of migrants is advantageous to the three countries. According to what is known today, the requirement of a Canadian visa for Mexicans had to do with the out of control flow of migrants that began occurring and not – as established by the official explanation – the abuse of the aspect of refuge. There is no way the economies of the United States and Canada can maintain their levels of well-being and low costs without the labor of migrants, whether from Mexico or whatever other place. But, if in a genuine trilateral agreement, Mexican migration is granted, the regional benefits can be greater than if migrants from other places are attracted. Within the rules of the North American club there should be a social chapter titled migration.

The approaching shortage of hydrocarbons, mainly in Mexico and the United States, calls for thinking about a North American institute of energy from which would emerge new wind, marine, solar and biomass technologies that will allow maintaining the viability of our economies and our way of life. It is about measuring how to take the most efficient advantage of the energy resources available today, combining them with new discoveries and preparing ourselves for the post-petroleum era. There, the centers of investigation have much to provide us.

Beyond these topics, the political angle is probably most important. The interests of the three countries will become more and more closely knit and thus, the benefits for both the United States and Canada will become ever more related to Mexico’s interest and benefit. The dialogue with those two countries will become richer and, necessarily, less subservient.

Instead of having a Merida Initiative to combat narcotraffic – which seems more a form of conditional charity – we will have a general plan against addictions. Instead of having our countrymen produce food on United States’ soil to be imported for consumption by their families in Mexico, we can have a productive country that exports, in large, to those two countries. Instead of having people crossing the desert or jumping fences in search of a job, we can have a labor arrangement which would offer work – on a temporary basis – to whoever needs it in the United States and Canada.

(The author is Mexico’s ex-representative to the United Nations.)



El Financiero (Mexico City) 10/22/10

Cartel marihuana field destroyed in northern Texas

Investigators in Grayson County, Texas, destroyed a field of marihuana containing plants up to 10 feet tall. The field is reported to belong to Mexican narcos. Grayson County is in the northern part of the state. Authorities said that the destroyed plants could render some 500 kilos [1,100 lbs] of marihuana with a value of $800,000. The Sheriff’s office advised hunters and hikers in the rural areas to be cautious since the cartels place “booby traps” around their marijuana fields. Authorities anticipate making arrests in this case.



Undocumenteds carrying out own campaign in Seattle

When Maria Gianni knocks on doors of possible voters in Seattle, Washington, she has no reservations telling residents she is illegally in the US. She knows she runs a risk, but believes it’s worth it because she considers the election crucial. She is one of dozens of volunteers, many of them undocumented, who are canvassing votes for the Democratic senatorial candidate who is running a close race against her Republican opponent. Pramila Jayapal, director of One America Votes, says that the campaign motivates immigrants who believe they have no power to contribute to a campaign because they can’t vote.



El Imparcial (Hermosillo, Sonora) 10/22/10

US sends DEA agents to Juarez

For the first time, the US government began the deployment of “intelligence advisors” in the border city of Juarez, Chihuahua. Also, Pentagon funds will be sought to assist the Mexican government in its effort to stop the violence in the city. [Ed. note: We were unable to confirm this story from other sources. Readers’ comments were typically adamantly against any US meddling in Mexican affairs.]



La Cronica de Hoy (Mexico City) 10/22/10

42 undocumented Central Americans detained in Michoacán
A total of 42 undocumented Guatemalans were detained by Mexican Federal Police in a routine traffic stop near Zinapecuaro, Michoacán. The Guatemalans were hidden in a compartment in the trailer of a truck. The driver and his partner were arrested. The undocumenteds said they paid up to 2,000 dollars to be smuggled into the US.



Scraping the bottom in Monterrey; another capo falls

Mexican Federal Police arrested Oscar Manuel Bernal Soriano, alias La Arana, the Los Zetas drug cartel chief for the Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, area of operations. Bernal had replaced the former chief, Juan Francisco Zapata Galegos, who was arrested this past August 27. Bernal was among the hit-men who assassinated retired Brigadier General Juan Arturo Esparza Garcia and his four bodyguards on 4 November 2009. [M3 Report 11/6-9/09 ].



Criminalization of migrants increasing: UN

A United Nations migration specialist expressed his concerns over the implementation of policies that criminalize migrants based only on security and control of borders. Jorge Bustamontes, (a Mexican) UN specialist on migrants’ rights, said the criminalization places all immigrants, regardless of their legal status, potentially as targets for racists and xenophobes. He expressed his concern over the growing tendency of authorities to implement migratory policies based solely on the security and the control of borders, which neither stop migration nor the traffic of the undocumented.



Sunday 10/24/10

El Universal (Mexico City) and El Diario de Juarez (Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua) 10/23/10

Another massacre in Juarez leaves 13 youths dead, 20 wounded

Another massacre at a party in Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua, left 13 youths dead and 16 or 20 [depending on source] wounded. Most of the victims of the attack by armed men were minors. Eight of the dead were university students. The attack on the party at a private home occurred late Friday evening when armed men arrived in several vehicles. Among the dead was the hostess of the party, a mother of six children. Neighbors in the area said that about three minutes into the shooting, a patrol of federal agents passed by and were alerted to the attack, but they didn’t respond and only returned to the scene a half hour later.




La Hora (Guatemala City, Guatemala) 10/23/10

Saturated by violence

The rate of violence in Guatemala continues to be very high. Different sources indicate that the first nine months of 2010, there have occurred more than 4,000 violent deaths, among them hundreds of women, and one hundred kidnappings. Analysts blame the government for the lack of action to confront the violence. Over 90 percent of the murders are committed by firearms.



Monday 10/25/10

El Universal (Mexico City) 10/24/10

Update on Cd. Juarez massacre

Less than nine months after an armed group murdered 16 adolescents at a party in Cd. Juarez a similar attack Friday night killed 13. The indiscriminate hail of gunfire at a party left many wounded. [The numbers vary from one source to another.] Witnesses described the attackers as “brats between 16 and 20 years old.”



El Financiero (Mexico City) 10/24/10

No change in security strategy in Cd. Juarez

Following news of the massacre in Cd. Juarez, federal Sub-Secretary of Government Juan Marcos Gutierrez said there will be no change in the strategy to combat organized crime in the city because the only way to win is through joint coordinated effort. He stated that the present strategy worked out between the state of Chihuahua and the federal government will continue to develop. [This story updated the number of deaths to 14 with 17 wounded.]



-end of report-

5 Responses to “Over the weekend: Another massacre of youths in Cd. Juarez; Mexican drug cartel reaches into northern Texas”

  1. Drug Abuse Help Line has a relationship with certified drug addiction treatment facilities across The united states. Together with a 100% free phone call, we provide information regarding treatment centers which have financing available and accept insuran Says:

    Drug Abuse Helpline possesses a relationship with certified drug addiction treatment centers across The usa. Along with a 100 Percent free of charge telephone call, we offer details about centers which have financing available and insurance coverage!…

    […]Over the weekend: Another massacre of youths in Cd. Juarez; Mexican drug cartel reaches into northern Texas « M3 Report[…]…

  2. Hawkeye Says:

    Regarding illegal aliens canvassing for democrat senatorial candidates in Washington state, someone should inform Pamila Jayapal, dir of One America Votes, that “congressional candidates may not accept money from foreign nationals who don’t have permanent residence in the U.S.” Therefore, in-kind contributions in the form of labor is also in violation of FEC rules. As for Maria Gianni, should she come knocking on my door, she would face a citizen’s arrest. I can only hypothesize that she has kids in school costing taxpayers money. The nerve!

  3. Kel Says:

    norm9do – Obviously, the USA doesn’t need Mexico and that’s exactly why the author of the “North American Agenda” is pushing this propaganda piece. It’s all an effort toward globalization. If anything, Mexico and her children have been a horrid destruction upon the American people and America. The Mexican motto is a Mexican in every USA taxpayers pocket.

  4. Wayne Says:

    The old politician in Georgia (I believe) is right in saying we should give the National Guard orders of shoot to kill. He said none will be killed because they won’t cross. Simple.
    Again, we DO NOT need illegals for labor in our fields. We have many inmates that would jump at the chance to work in the fields. All we need to do is implement ideas like these and get it done. The politicians bought and paid for by corporate America give us the hogwash that they are needed for jobs Americans won’t do. BS. I remember all the teenagers that worked in the fields in Colorado for spending money. The illegals that were working in the same fields were brandishing knives and threatening.
    Shoot to kill and inmates would work, nothing else has. In this economy I would bet we can provide plenty Americans to take the maids, room cleaners, and other service jobs we supposedly won’t do.

  5. norm9do Says:

    Re: The N. American Agenda, If Mexico cannot control it’s current internal problems with corruption and drug cartels, let alone help provide for it’s own citizens, how on earth can they seriously be considering wind power, solar power etc and building up their own infrastructure?
    The writer of this article is not living in the real world of Mexico as it is today!

    If wishes were horses, beggars would ride….

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