Over the Weekend: Grenade Attack on Nightclub and Increasing Violence

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Foreign News Report

The National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO) extracts and condenses the material that follows from Mexican and Central and South American on-line media sources on a daily basis. You are free to disseminate this information, but we request that you credit NAFBPO as being the provider.

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El Digital  (Mexico)  2/12/2011

Attack on Nightclub in Guadalajara leaves 6 dead and 38 wounded

(Guadalajara, Jalisco)  Gunmen in three vehicles entered and then sprayed a nightclub with bullets, followed by two grenades. Initial reports are at least six dead and 38 injured.  Because many were transported by private vehicles, it is feared the numbers may increase.  Most of the victims were outside of the club when the attack occurred around 4 am (some reports put it at 3 am).



Related: CJNG (New Generation Jalisco Cartel) posted narcobanners denying responsibility for attack.  This was followed by a message from the MFG cartel calling on the authorities to excuse the ignorance on the part of CJNG, saying ” we apologize for their ignorance, and in advance we also ask forgiveness, because we taught them to work but we forgot to teach them good manners .”


El Universal  (Mexico)  2/13/2011

Eight Executed by Drug Cartel

(Nezahuacoyotl, Mex.)  At 1:10am Sunday, two truckload’s of armed gunmen shot into a group of people, killing 6 men and 1 woman.    An eighth body, that of a naked woman, was found later. Only one man survived.  The gunmen escaped.  On January 16, also a Sunday morning, gunmen killed eight people near here then also. (Note: The State of Mexico is a smaller state located near Mexico City & bordering the Federal District.)


La Hora  (Guatemala)  2/12/2011

Police Officer Killed, Several Wounded

(Villa Nueva) The local President (Mayor) and her 13 year old daughter were the targets of an attack by gunmen.  The attack was thwarted by the National Civil Police (PNG) assigned to her protection detail. A 30 year old officer died, and other officers, plus the president and her daughter suffered injuries. (Note: Villa Nueva is centrally located, and on a major route between the Pacific & the Gulf.)


Frontera  (Mexico)  2/13/2011

Zacatecas:  Marine and Federal Police reinforcements arrive.

Mexico City:  Colombian ordered held; part of Beltran Leyva cartel,
arranged coke from Colombia to Mexico.

Monterey:   Kidnapped person freed after 20 min. shootout; 8 dead, including a soldier and a civilian, a police officer injured.

Guadalajara:  Mayor of Tlaquepaque proposes elite police unit after meeting of Mayors; better able to combat violence in the municipality.  San Pedro Garza Garcia, NL: shooting leaves 8 dead.


El Imparcial  (Mexico)  2/13/2011

Police Commander, Bodyguard Assassinated

(Cuautla, Morelos-AP)  The deputy director of the Municipal Police and his bodyguard were intercepted and shot Saturday morning while in a vehicle.  It was noted they did not have time to even react with their own weapons.  The suspect vehicle was later found abandoned and totally burned.


La Voz de la Frontera  (Mexico)  2/13/2011                PHOTO

Blow Dealt to Familia Michoacána Cartel

(Mexicali, Baja California)  State Police in this border city located and dismantled a narco laboratory producing methamphetamine, or ‘ice’.  It began when officers stopped a speeding car at 3 am.  Due to the 3 subjects nervousness, a search of the car found a container of ‘ice’.  They identified the main man and told where the clandestine lab was located.  A raid on the location found more drugs, a weapon, and equipment for making the synthetic drug.  The principal admitted he was working for La Familia Michoacana.  In total, nine people were arrested. (Note: Most of us with knowledge of these labs know this was a minimal ‘blow’ if one at all to the cartel.  They likely havedozens, if not hundreds, of these labs.)


Same source:
-Army detects half a ton of “crystal” in Sinaloa; detected chemical
odor and found lab.
-Acapulco; 3 found in car trunk, 2 of them dead; 5 others found
executed elsewhere.

Diario de Querétaro  (Mexico)  2/12/2011

Four Central American Countries Join to Protect Migrants

(Tegucigalpa, Honduras)  Representatives from Central American countries and the Dominican Republic agreed late Friday to create a “Network of Protection of Migrants” in their journey through Mexico toward the U.S., official sources reported on Saturday. “The network is composed of the countries working together in protecting human rights of migrants; Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Dominican Republic and Nicaragua,” noted one Honduran Foreign Ministry statement, issued after the meeting.  A total of 72 migrants were killed last year, allegedly by members of the Zetas in Mexico, 30 of whom were Honduran, of which 21 bodies were repatriated and the remaining to be repatriated the coming weeks.  “At least 20 thousand migrants in transit (per year) by way of Mexico to the US are victims of kidnapping and other types of humiliation”, according to Amnesty International.  “We know that children and women are a vulnerable sector, studies show that six out of ten women are raped and even before embarking on their voyage, many go through the shelters collecting contraceptives because they know what awaits them on the way ”


El Heraldo de Tabasco  (Mexico)  2/13/2011

Price Increase on Food Expected Due to Cold

(Villahermosa, Tabasco)  Price increases of 50 to 200 per cent have been noted due to frost in parts of Mexico.  Tomato, chili, cucumber, lemon, potatoes, carrots, corn, beans, rice, eggs and a long list of commodities, are being impacted by price increases due to the frost, which has caused a decreased input and may create shortages within 20 days.  Carrots alone have increased in cost by 200% in eight days.  (Note: This can create shortages and increased costs here. As noted previously, South America’s heavy rains causing landslides and flooding have destroyed much of their agricultural crops of bananas, guavas, mango’s, and other tropical fruits & vegetables.)


Blog del Narco; http://www.blogdelnarco.com:

Acapulco:  MX military capture 9 members of Pacific cartel; seized 18
rifles, 49 magazines, 370 thousand cartridges, two stolen cars

Mexicans take to streets over drug-violence surge

Brazil arrests 35 in swoop on Rio police corruption

Domestic News – United States

Grassley blasts Department of Justice on cover up of guns used in
Agent Terry’s murder
Border War: Counterinsurgency needed at US-Mexico border, says lawmaker
Nearly 4 tons of pot seized south of Maricopa-Arizona

Border Patrol Busts Human Smugglers-Texas
Agents seize $1.6 million in marijuana Thursday-Texas
ICE Top 5 News Stories for the Week
Agents arrest 18 suspected immigrants after boat landing-California
Second-oldest former Border Patrol agent-Texas
-end of report-

We have room for but one flag, the American flag…and we have room for but
one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”
~Theodore Roosevelt 1919

One Response to “Over the Weekend: Grenade Attack on Nightclub and Increasing Violence”

  1. Jose Says:

    ” (Note: The State of Mexico is a smaller state located near Mexico City & bordering the Federal District.) ” – Doohhhh…
    You better brush up on Mexican geography.

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