Four Months: James


It’s fairly amazing how painfully slow the last weeks of pregnancy are compared to how quickly the first year goes by. This kid is four months old already. At this time last year I had just found out I was pregnant and was puking regularly. This year I get to snuggle the biggest four-month old ever. He is 16 pounds and 26 3/4″ long. For his half birthday we’re going to have to celebrate by getting him a bigger car seat. DSCN3052

But those chubby little thighs and cheeks are pretty adorable. The only problem with him being such a large infant (compared to Stella, anyway), is that I have to remind myself that he’s still only four months old. Every time I hold him and he flops, or he cries uncontrollably and I think, Dude, get it together I have to stop and mentally slap myself for thinking that a four-month old should be acting like a 10-month old. DSCN3056

He’s a mostly happy baby. Smiling and laughing and generally just being chill. Except for bedtime. When he has had enough of the day he will let you know in no uncertain terms that he is ready for bed and mama is the only one who can handle bedtime, apparently. Sometime Wes will try to rock him while I get a shower, but usually that only results in more crying and so James’ bedtime has been a little rough on both of us, for different reasons. I know he’ll get around to sleeping easier but for now I do what I can to get him down and thank my lucky stars that he sleeps through the night. We still have a few nights where he wakes up once but for the most part we get a solid night out of this kid. Yes, I know how incredibly lucky I am. I have to remind myself of that every night.


We are smack dab in the drooly stage and he should be wearing bibs wherever we go, but I keep forgetting. Even though we’re only a few years removed from this stage with Stella, it’s so hard to remember all the small details of what life was like with an infant. On particularly long days I just look to Stella and remind myself that this phase will be over before we can even get used to it. DSCN3060

James loves to stand and he’s got the body strength to support it. Any time I try to put him in a reclined position, including his car seat, he stretches his legs long and it takes some moving around to get him in there.DSCN3064

Stella clearly loves James but is also impatient for him to be able to play with her. There aren’t as many requests for me to set James down now, but she’s tried to pick him up on her own to play with him, an act that left them both screaming and scared after she managed to lift him a bit off the ground before losing her grip. DSCN3065

He is “talking” a lot now and I love to watch his facial expressions as he does. He’s found his feet and loves to suck on them, particularly the right one. I’ve gone in to get him out of bed and his little foot will be soaking wet. He’s also trying to suck on his fingers but can’t figure out which ones to use. I know it’s a pain to stop the finger sucking, but I love how it’s been able to soothe and comfort Stella and hope that it will be the same way for James.

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