Cure for my PLANTAR WART !!!!


Must be wondering what is this plantar wart…Isn’t it?

Here is my story..but before i go with it..lemme explain abt this plantar wart.

Plantar warts are benign (noncancerous) growths that occur on the sole (plantar surface), heel, or ball of the foot. Pressure from standing and walking often causes them to grow into deep layers of the skin. Caused by Human Papilloma virus.

….It was during my final year Bachelor degree.  I experienced few episodes of nagging pain on the sole of my foot, where i initially thot it must be a radiating heel pain which is due to my long duration standing practical hours in my college. Later when i try to explore the was in a very specific spot, rather than the whole heel.  I noticed the spot to be, not situated on my weight bearing area(heel) of the sole. It was slightly inclined down at the posterior end of my longitudinal arch of the sole. I found a black spot initially where it pained. My friends claimed that i wud have run a thorn, but i strongly refused that, since i never walk bare foot outside. I chkd with the Doctor and cudn’t come down with a diagnosis. Meanwhile, the black spot disappeared and i cud see a small sulcus(groove) substituting that. It appeared like asif i strongly stamped on a tiny stone which left an impression. I wasn’t having pain throughout the day..execpt, whenever the sulcus is exposed to some pressure. I started living with that pain. Meanwhile the wart spreaded thruout my heel..where some appeared like a bulge on my foot.

Later, when i finished my degree and fixed with my job..again i faced lot of pain, coz i have to be in a standing position most of my working hrs…since i dealt with therapeutic patients. This time i chkd with a dermatologist and diagnosed as Plantar wart..and been given some antibiotics to work with the virus. Yet, not results. Later, my Dermatologist recommended a Cosmetologist whoz also a podiatrist. He suggested me to take Cryotherapy. (Cryotherapy involves freezing warts with a very cold solution (e.g., sodium nitride) that destroys the virus and causes the wart to turn black and fall off within a few days). Itz actually forced penetration of Sodium Nitride directly into the wart.  The Doctor actually treated 5 of my warts that session, and gave an appointment for the rest.  (My wart was around 3 mm diameter and i had multiple warts around my heel of this size).  I came thru hell a lot of pain despite paying a huge sum of money. It swollen..or to say it became a big blister of 2 inches in size. I cud not even strike my heel and suffered with that blister for a whole week, expecting the blister to come down.  After losing all my patience,  i went back to my Dermatologist, to get rid of this blister. He punctured the blister, cleaned and treated with some antiseptic cream.  It hardly took 2 weeks for my wound which was caused by that blister to heal. But i’m not very sure this blister and wound cleared my wart. When the wound was partially healed, i cud see the remains of the 5 warts still present there.  Here, i decided not to go back to the Cosmetologist to take cryotherapy treatment again..which is expensive aswellas painful..rather than my case.

And, being with that non curable plantar wart, i starting googling treatments for plantar wart. There are lot of treatment suggestions..but the review says..nothing seems to be 100% cure. Fed up !!

During all these suffering, one day, i was limping on my way back home from work, i was caught in sight by my distant relative cousin, who enquired me with concern abt the cause of my gait.. I told him all the story. I believe, he must be the GOD sent person to me that time..he suggested to treat it with KIZHANELLI (Phyllanthus amarus). Phyllanthus is an herbal medicine with an anti-viral effect. It is used for support in treatment in Hepatitis, Jaundice, Frequent menstruation, Diabetes in India.

Its’ the time i have been trying all sorts of medicine to cure this plantar wart. So, i decided to try it with Kizhanelli, which is very inexpensive as it grows everywhere. I used to see these plants grown in Singapore within the grass, or along the sidewalk.

The following is the treatment method i tried with KIZHANELLI.

I’m a live example. I still never came back with the wart even after 6 years.  Heres a picture of the herb Kilanelli.(Phyllanthus amarus)

Seeds along the petiole

1. Collect tender plants with seeds behind.

2. Grind it to a smooth paste with few drops of water. (consistency shd be thick and not too watery, else it will be difficult to patch on the sole)

3. Clean the sole with warm water and dry it with soft towel.

4. Make the paste into balls and apply evenly over the plantar wart before going to bed. Make sure it remains sticked thruout the night.

5. It will stick too tight when u wake up in the morning. Clean up with warm or cold water.

6. Repeat this for 7 to 10 days. ( if you have multiple and deep warts you can try few more days until the wart disappears)

7. Sure to see the results within that..The wart completely disappears and never comes back again.


Paste can be refrigirated and used for 4 to 5 days, yet fresh paste is very effective.

Here are more details abt the plantar wart which i have gleaned thru my journey..(thanks for search engine support)..and my pleasure to pass this information to all, who still suffer with it.

(Other medicinal effects of Kizhanelli)

Cause and Risk Factors

Plantar warts can occur when HPV invades the body through tiny cuts or breaks in the skin on the bottom of the feet. The virus often is encountered on contaminated surfaces, such as the tile floors of public locker rooms, showers, and swimming pools. Normally, antibodies in the blood destroy HPV, but in some cases, it takes refuge in the skin and causes plantar warts.

Some people are more prone to the virus that causes plantar warts than other people. Risk factors include repeated HPV exposure (e.g., walking barefoot in public locker rooms and common bathing areas) and having a weakened immune system. In some cases, the virus can be transmitted to the feet from other areas of the body (called remote location seeding).

Plantar warts may cause pain on the bottom of the foot. Patients often feel a “lump” on the bottom of the foot when standing, similar to having a stone in the shoe. In many cases, pressure from standing and walking prevents plantar warts from rising above the skin surface.

If left untreated, plantar warts can grow up to 1 inch in circumference and may spread into clusters (called mosaic warts). In severe cases, they cause a change in gait or posture that results in leg or back pain.

Plantar wart on the sole

Most plantar warts are diagnosed based on their appearance. In some cases, the podiatrist scrapes a sample of skin cells from the wart and sends the sample to a pathologist for microscopic evaluation.

Young plantar warts

Young plantar warts

According to the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA), the following may help to prevent plantar warts:

  • Avoid walking barefoot whenever possible.
  • Change shoes and socks daily.
  • Keep feet clean and dry.
  • Check children’s feet periodically.
  • Avoid direct contact with warts on other persons or on other parts of the body.
  • Do not ignore growths on, or changes in, your skin.
  • Visit a podiatrist as part of your annual health checkup.

Picture courtesy [(pic 2 and Pic 3) representing plantar wart]:

About bhony

Hi This is Bhony. Mom of a 2 year old handsome n lovable kid(Samuel). I have varied interests..which i wud like to share with my dear n near.. I have been looking for a space to express my thoughts..feelings..I guess i have found one. I believe..I'm in a gud shape right now to roll the ball on..
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3 Responses to Cure for my PLANTAR WART !!!!

  1. Radhika says:

    Wonderful blog Bhony!!

    This is really a very useful blog. Though we know a little about Plantarwart, your message gives all the details in one place… Thanks for the Useful info.. 🙂

    I had the same experience in my school days. We went to a small village near Chennai for a project work. As we were to walk on paddy lands, we removed our shoes.

    After somedays, i had pain in the Calcaneal part of my leg and i applied some external painkiller in my leg(as i thought it’s due to the long time standing in the lab). But the pain did not subside and when i found some projection in my leg, i went to the doctor and he punctured and cleaned it with some medicines. Then i had no problem for sometime..Say some six months.

    Again i got the wart in the same place and one more small spot near the old one. That time, I was in my village for vacation. My old uncle, suggested me with Kizhanalli and he prepared it and gave me as a powder. He asked me to take some powder, some turmeric powder and very little water to mix them, apply it on the wart and tie it with a small cloth for the whole night(to make sure that the medicine is on place the whole night). I did so for some days..may be a week i think.. The wart disappeared and most important and amazing is that i never got it again then..


  2. bhony says:

    What a coincidence di..we haven’t discussed this earlier..ila?

  3. Suhanya says:

    wow..what a post…

    i was having it…but then now a days no..i really dunno how it vanished!!!

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