EPIC Youth Group

Senior Sunday & a note to Seniors and Parents

gradTHIS IS  A REMINDER TO SENIORS & PARENTS – please get your pictures in and your forms filled out THIS WEEK.   Below is the letter we sent out about 3 weeks ago.


Hey Seniors!
You’ve made it!  In about 2 months, you will be DONE!  What a great feeling.  We want to help you celebrate!  Sunday, May 18 is Senior Sunday at Lafayette.  It’s just a simple way of showing you that we love you and want to bless you.  If you can, please plan on being a part of that day.

When you get this email, please take a few minutes to get as much done as possible for me as soon as you can.  I’d really appreciate it!

There are just a couple of things I need YOU to do immediately!

  • Just take a few minutes to fill out this form (CLICK HERE) as completely as you can.  We put together a Senior Brochure where your senior pic and a lot of this info will be in it for the church to know a little bit more about you.  It’s really hard when seniors only put 1 or 2 words, please show off that fancy education and write in sentence form as much as possible.  Can you do this TODAY or tomorrow???
  • PICTURES – you may need your parent’s help on this one.  I need about 8-12 pictures of you that define you over the last 18 years.  A baby pic, toddler pic, kindergarten pic, elementary, middle school, early HS pic and your Senior Pic.  Pictures of you and your family, a band or sports picture, etc.  Can you get these to me within 2 weeks???  That would really help!  Let’s set a date of APRIL 16 – that gives us about a month to get a video done – which if you’ve ever done a video, you know isn’t a lot of time.
    • There are a couple of ways you can get the pictures to me.
      • If they are digital, you can:
        • Share them from dropbox (share them withmike.lafayettechurch@gmail.com)
        • Put them in a picture sharing program like www.flckr.com and share that with me
        • email is not the best unless you send them one picture at a time which is ok, just more tedious.
          • try not to reduce your pictures, it will make them harder to see clearly
        • Put them on a cd and give them to me.
      • If they are hard copies and you don’t have a scanner, you can bring them to me in an envelope with your name on them.  I will scan them and return them.


  • Start gathering your “memorabilia”:  Anything from high school (awards, pictures, etc) that will fit in a 24 inch space.  On Sunday, May 18, we will display your “stuff” and have a notebox where people will share encouraging notes, etc.  You can plan on bringing your stuffon Wednesday night, May 14 and set it up then, or you might call that week and set up a time for the building to be unlocked (my number is 317.796.8720).  Make sure you take the “stuff” you brought with you that day – all except the notebox which we will leave out a couple of weeks.  You’ll want to make sure you pick up your notebox by June 4 -we will put away the tables after that.  Some people put card and checks in there so don’t forget!!!

As we finish out the school year, this summer the church will typically offer a college class.  I would encourage you to take advantage of that.  A.J. Bennett of the areawide ACTS group (a St. Louis college group) has taught that for the last 3 year or so.  I have not heard but assume he is teaching that again.  You are welcome to stay in the Sr. High classes and wednesday night youth groups as well throughout the summer.

I am not sure what all your plans include.  If you are going away to college, we look forward to you visiting on breaks, etc.  You are welcome to come to youth group during those times.  If you are staying in town, I encourage you to find ways to serve the church or attend the young adults class, let me know if you would like to talk about some options.

If you are getting this email, you all are blessing to me.  No matter how active you have been in the youth ministry, I have prayed for you often and asked God to show Himself to you.  I especially do that now as you face many transitions over the coming months and year.  If I can ever be of assistance to you, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

In the meantime, if you could get that form filled out, your pictures to me, and your stuff ready to go for Senior Sunday, I’d really appreciate it!

Because of the Cross,