Is the USA in Retreat?

Is it full steam astern for the USA?  Has the USA changed into reverse gear and is accelerating backwards?  Is this a beneficial turn of events? In September 2010 I published an article titled When Will the USA Retreat from the World? – in this post, I am basically bringing the 2010 article up to date.

My observation is that that prime factor that defines the international geopolitical situation is the 59 year sub-age decans.  Each astrological age of some 2150 years each has 12 sub-ages of 178-9 years each.  Each of these sub-ages have three decans of approximately 59 years each.  These 59 years sub-age decans appear to define the geo-political reality in the world. (For further details on the mechanics of the astrological ages – see Age of Aquarius for Dummies)

For example the bi-polar signs of Gemini, Libra and Pisces enhance global political dualities.  The recent Pisces sub-age decan overflow (1910 – 1970), apart from promoting the (Pisces) USA as the world superpower, also coincided with the rise of bureaucratic communism and its inevitable clash with capitalism until communism basically left the field of battle when the USSR imploded in 1991.

The current Scorpio sub-age decan overflow (1970 – 2029) is a mono-sign and so does not enhance polarities – especially in the first half of its reign.  The next sub-age decan overflow is the polar sign of Gemini (a dual-bodied sign) with its full effect expected from 2029 to 2089 but flexing its muscles since 2000. The world is now gearing up to this new geopolitical reality.

I expect the Gemini sub-age decan overflow will see the growing polarity of the USA and Western culture on the one hand and China plus Asia on the other.  However other possible international polarities cannot be ignored.  This does not insinuate that this new period of greater polarity will involve any significant wars or conflicts as the world is astrologically in the slow but also the inexorable  process of departing the multi-thousand years Age of Warfare. Unfortunately, 2017 will not be an example of  the world parting way from war, as war is top of the menu for 2017 (see What is in Store for Trump & the USA in 2017? ) How will the USA and China get along as sparring partners on the world stage for much of this century?

The clue is the relationship of Gemini to the major sign associated with the USA – which is the sign Pisces (see Pisces America).  Gemini stimulates the astrological 4th house to the sign Pisces.  The 4th house stimulates introversion, domestic affairs and avoidance of saber rattling over issues of international status.  This is a recipe for the USA to retire from its dominant role in the world and return to its more traditional isolationist approach to world affairs. This in no way detracts from its status as the age-empire of our times – it just means that the age-empire retreats to its own shores and avoids costly and divisive overseas wars or political turmoil.  Pisces’ primary relationship to the USA also indicates that the USA has two modes of operation in every theater of activity including its international role.

At the beginning of the 21st century – with the USA engaged in two military conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan – it seems inconceivable that the USA would not continue to behave like John Wayne on the international stage – shoot first and ask questions later.  Even Donald Trump appears to be a clone of John Wayne.  The USA has (as of 2016) been in its interventionist side of its nature for 74 years (slightly longer than the length of a sub-age decan). The astrology suggests that this has a time fuse on it (similar to the rise and fall of communism), and the USA is now in its 11th hour to returning to its isolationist nature.

John Wayne in Rio Bravo, 1959

There are astrological clues that support America’s return to isolationism. While Gemini is strongest in its sub-age decan overflow (2029-89), the embryonic Gemini sub-age decan arrived in 1970 – just in time to turn significant public opinion away from the war in Viet Nam. The next increase in strength for Gemini occurred in 2000 which kicked off with the 9/11 terrorist attack on the USA.  While the USA received much international sympathy, the subsequent invasion of Iraq saw mass opposition by many former close allies and supporters around the world. The main support for the Iraq invasion came from America’s core Anglo-Saxon allies – the UK and Australia.

Protests against the Vietnam War in Washington, D.C., on October 21, 1967

The next increase in strength for Gemini took place in December 2014 when the Gemini micro-age arrived.  From around this date onward we should see further examples of America’s deteriorating interventionist international foreign policy.  The arrival of the Gemini sub-age decan overflow in 2029 is the final straw.  Will the USA finally behave like an ostrich with its head in the sand?

The USA is slowly on the path back to isolationism which seemed so far-fetched when I first wrote on this topic in 2010. Donald Trump has expressed the opening wedge for a more isolationist policy.  The growing strength of Gemini, which will peak in 2029, does not stimulate the USA success in its flag waving missions, especially if it involves military conflict.  How many wars does the USA need to engage itself in to discover this truth?    The USA under Trump is turning its gaze away from foreign lands and back onto itself – for better or worse!

This does not mean China gets to take over the world.  China’s main sign is Cancer, and Gemini stimulates China’s dreaded 12th house.  China will probably fare far worse than the USA in the coming decades under Gemini, especially from around 2029 onward.  The coming Gemini period suggests the end of China’s socio-political structure that has developed since the arrival of the Chinese communist government.  This may not mean a civil war but it does indicate much strain and tension.

The growing strength of Gemini does not bode well for Europe.  Though the USA is primarily related to Pisces – the USA is actually the Empire of the Pisces-Aquarius age.  Europe is also primarily associated with Pisces, which is why Europe also likes to split itself into two, but Europe is a Pisces-Aries continent.  Gemini does not bode well for the European Union as we have just witnessed with the Brexit vote earlier in 2016.  Gemini undermines the status and authority of Europe.  Gemini is also the fragmentation sign, and now other European countries have growing support to exit the European Union.  We are entering a very different geo-political era with the USA heading towards isolationism, Europe heading towards fragmentation and China engulfed with problems – who will be the last man standing?

In 2010 I asked – When Will the USA Retreat from the World?  Now it could be stated: are we witnessing the beginning of the retreat of the USA from the world?  It certainly looks likely.  Even the proposed border wall with Mexico suggests a new introversion.  Under Gemini, introversion is favored for the USA.  Even protectionist trade policies are a form of introversion.

Whereas the gods are lining up against the USA in its foreign intervention, they are lining up for the USA to focus on itself.  This is a core message of Trump – “America first!”  Infrastructure rebuilding and even the Mexican wall fulfill the god’s requirements!  However, when it comes to foreign intervention, the USA behaves like a little kid that keeps putting its hand in the fire and getting it burnt, but does not seem to learn the lesson.  Sometimes societies are collectively dumber than the average IQ of its population.  One unfortunate side effect of democracy is that it is government by the lowest common denominator.


“John Wayne” photo By Howard_Hawks’Rio_Bravo_trailer_(26).jpg: Trailer screenshotderivative work: Liorek (talk) – Howard_Hawks’Rio_Bravo_trailer_(26).jpg, Public Domain,

“Get the Hell out of Viet Nam” photo: By Fank Wolfe – Vietnam War Protest in Washington, D.C. by Frank Wolfe, October 21, 1967 (NARA), CC BY-SA 2.0,

Further Resources from Terry MacKinnell

The Dawning by Terry MacKinnell – details of purchasing the book available

The Age of Aquarius for Dummies – explains the structure and sub-periods associated with the astrological ages

Aquarian Age Economics – Examines the relationship between macro-astrology and financial cycles

At the Cutting Edge of the Aquarian Age – Cutting edge research into the astrological ages for astrologers

FaceBook – keep up to date with what is happening



One thought on “Is the USA in Retreat?

  1. I think Donald Trump is correct, though typically undiplomatic, in his statements that the US has been paying the military bills for Europe, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and others. (The military industries certainly haven’t minded.) The actual situation is that the US can no longer afford it, is in effect bankrupt, floating on funny money. The crumbling of the US empire and the retreat to (maybe) salvage the homeland is reflected in part by the current Mars retrograde period (in reference to any 4 July 1776 natal chart).
    One key date is 20 March 2015, when the US defaulted on interest payments on treasury bonds to China. Bye-bye dollar as reserve currency. Note that the date was marked by a total solar eclipse in the last degree of the tropical zodiac, with Uranus-Pluto in exact square relationship. End times — of a sort.

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