The Orbit Tower

This is quite a controversial part of the Olympic Park, but construction has now started. The Orbit Tower was designed by Anish Kapoor, and will eventually grow to a height of 115 meters.

February 2011:

With only 4 men working on the construction: Mark Stowers, Kirk Bibly, Andrew Channing and Matthew Collier, the Orbit Tower has been growing quite rapidly:

April 2011:

It now stands at 42 meters high, and is due to be completed in the summer. The reason for its rapid growth, is that the four workers are putting together a rather large puzzle, with the steel components being manufactured off-site.

Eventually the tower will look this:

I’m not too sure if I like the finished tower, however I do like the thinking behind the design, using the Olympic Rings. However, looking at the construction so far, it still seems a long way from the final article.

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