Where We Are in The Process

This will be a boring blog about where we are in the process of finding an agent. Last Friday I finished the manuscript. For now I am calling it “The Early Years”. After years of researching how to publish a novel, I decided on Saturday to try to do this. So, with shaking hands, I joined QueryTracker.net. Between QueryTracker.net, a copy of the 2011 Writer’s Digest, and a web connection I settled on one agent. It seems that agents prefer it if you send just one query at a time.
In one of those less than stellar moments, I sent off a highly unprofessional query email. It was my fault. I was nervous and pretty much just said what my novel was about. I must admit I don’t expect much from this query.
Since Saturday, I have researched more agents. I went out and bought a book on writing query letters. Yesterday I bought a book on how to market my book. It sounds like agents enjoy knowing that a writer can market their own book. Let’s be honest here. If I don’t sell books, my future agent gets no money. I understand.
Since Saturday, I have revised my query letter. I think I am now selling my book. I also had three copies of my manuscript printed off before my mother called with glaring typos. (Thanks, Mom, but could you have noticed before I spent $90 in printing?) I have begun to market myself on the web, even if we all know only friends and family are reading these posts. I started Tweeting, though I have one follower. I’m pretty sure he’s following me out of pity.
That’s where we are. I’ll spend part of the day working on the next manuscript and part of the day reading how to market myself. Any suggestions y’all have are appreciated. I have no clue what I am doing. But, in the end I intend to get where I want to be.

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