A-Z of Publishing: Z is for…

Z is for Zagreb, Zurich, ZwickauZagreb, Zurich, Zwickau…wherever in the world you work, there is a chance that you’ll meet one of us at a conference. We travel to many events around the world each year to promote our latest books and to meet with our authors, readers and contacts. Conferences are among our favourite aspects of the job as we love to meet people face to face and get to know the people behind email addresses and book orders! If you see our stand at a conference, be it in Zagreb, Zurich, Zwicklau (or anywhere else in the world) please do not hesitate to drop by our stand and say hello!

This post is part of our ‘A-Z of Publishing’ series which we will be posting every Monday throughout the rest of 2015. You can search the blog for the rest of the series or subscribe to the blog to receive an email as soon as the next post is published by using the links on the right of the page.

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