Friday Five: Resolutions and Absolutions Edition

RevPat posted this week’s Friday Five:

The New Year has dawned! At this point, we are four days in…  And this is, of course, typically a time when many of us try to turn over a new leaf, start a new habit, or otherwise live into the newness of the year. As for me and my house, there is a concerted effort afoot to keep a record of everything I eat, as well as the seasonal re-commitment to morning prayer. At the same time, I’m trying to cultivate a more self-accepting stance, an attitude of gentleness and forgiveness with myself when I don’t keep those promises. Herewith, a Friday Five all about Resolutions and Absolutions.


1. Start by sharing your success stories with us: In the past, what resolution has been your most successful?
I finally learned how to refresh myself emotionally and spiritually (which is essential in my work as a chaplain!) Though I am an extrovert, I still need recharging time, and it does not have to be what everyone else in the house wants to do. SOooo… I stopped going to an early Saturday morning Tai Chi class because it was the ONLY day of the week I could be assured of sleeping in past 7 a.m. It sounds silly, but keeping that “alarm-optional” day did a lot for my mental health.

2. What is one thing you hope to do differently this year with regard to health, either physical or spiritual?
Find something to regularly replace the Tai Chi class. Unfortunately, the water aerobics classes near me seem to thrive on mid-morning classes. That kinda kills my morning. I am not a runner, so I need something that is fun and not joint-intensive. I’m looking into a water exercise class of some kind.

3. What is one thing you hope your family will do differently this year?
Have an opportunity to get everyone together – spouses, children, etc. We haven’t done it in several years because of our schedules not lining up properly. Maybe this will be the year!

4. What is one thing you hope your community of faith will consider doing differently this year?
There’s probably many things, but I can’t really articulate anything specific. However, since I am in the “Servants Group” (aka “elders”), but not on pastoral staff, I will be praying more intentionally for our church as a whole.


5. In what area would you most like to learn to be gentle with yourself? I am going to borrow a quote from my favorite philosophers:

First, Dr. Suess: Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.

Second, Calvin and Hobbes (Bill Watterson): You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don’t help!


  1. Your decision to skip Tai Chi helps me to remember that commitments can sometimes be burdensome. I, too, need exercise that is gentle on my joints. Possibly you could find water yoga, which my YWCA offers. It is lovely.


  2. lovely play. I hope you find the water class that fits your schedule, it’s made a big difference in my life (my local Y has several classes). Thanks so much for the Dr Seuss quotation.


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