Day 4 of #BBF! Come meet #LizCLong and her excerpt from fantastic #PNR WITCH HEARTS!

I see you managed to make it pass the shambling hordes of Eerie’s Free Range Zombies and the Werewolf Monks bi-weekly nocturnal runs without a scratch. Lucky you!

Today is day four of the BLOGGERS BOOK FAIR and I’m thrilled to be chatting with the lovely and demented…er…umm..that should be witty, Liz C. Long.  Let’s be honest, when her blog header states “Magic. Murder. Mystery.”, you know I’m all over that like moss on Swamp Thing’s porch!

We’re going to switch it up a bit.  Liz deserves a little spotlight time, so I sat her down (with Prankster Duo #2’s duct tape’s help) and had her answer a few of our Swamp Visitor questions. 

As children we tend to have an idea of what we want to be by the time we’re ten.  Before you decided to pursue the artistic dream of being a writer, what did you want to be and why?

I wanted to be a vet for a really long time. We owned a couple show dogs and then bred Old English Sheepdog puppies for the first twelve or so years of my life, so being around animals was a natural thing. I wanted to help them and become a veterinarian – until I realized that involves a lot of math and biology (I have a weak stomach)! Plus my soft heart can’t handle sick dogs or having to let them go and watch owners grieve. So I stuck with my original dream career of being a writer.

Strange, so did I. Well, at least until eighth grade’s career day and I fainted when we had to set a German Shepard’s leg.  My imagination is good at creating monsters and mayhem, unfortunately reality is a bit more…vibrant when blood and bone are right there! Maybe that’s why we make better writers than vets!

What’s some of the funniest/sweetest/strangest things you’ve heard from your readers?

A reader did a review of my second book WITCH HEARTS, and actually used the term “inner smutmonster” – she wanted to see some nakedness! It makes me laugh to this day (and tickles me that readers have liked Cooper as much as they have. He’s pretty dreamy!)

“Smutmonster”? I like it, it has a certain pizzazz! 

What’s the one genre you won’t ever try and why?

Erotica. It’s not that I’m a prude (because I know many people love it and that’s totally cool), but writing romantic scenes is hard enough for me. I’m into action and adventure, so to include any romance is a feat! I will probably always write fade to black scenes when my couples get together. I like building those relationships, but I can’t get into descriptions of heaving bosoms or hard mounds. Makes me blush just thinking about it.

I’m with you on this one.  Even writing the scenes I do have, man, I’m constantly looking over my shoulder to make sure my mother hasn’t suddenly transported in behind me or the Prankster Duo hasn’t snuck under my desk…the whole sex scene creation is just way too stressful to do an ENTIRE book liberally sprinkled with scenes! *shudder* Kudos to all those fantastic authors out there who make it seem so effortless!

What is some of the best advice you were ever given?

As an author? Write what you want to read. When I got sick of vampires and werewolves for a time, I wanted to read an action-packed story filled with mystery and fantasy. So I sat down and wrote GIFTED. I love bringing a story to life knowing it’s the type of book I’d pick up if I was browsing the shelves. I’m a picky reader and I know there are others out there like me who just want a fun story to escape into for a while.

Best advice, EVER! I love the chaos magic brings to a story, the added pulse pounding from an intense action scene, and the nail biting, page turning need to find out what happens next…where else can you get it all in one setting?

Want to see what crawls and twists through Liz’s mind? So do I!  Check out WITCH HEARTS!


How does a witch stay safe if a killer can get through her protection spells?

Witches like Ruby and Courtney can take care of themselves. So when Courtney is murdered, Ruby’s world crashes to a halt. The only thing keeping her grounded is the return of Courtney’s brother, Cooper. He seeks revenge, but Ruby wants to help other witches stay alive. To do that, she’ll have to reunite with her old coven’s High Priest, who also happens to be her cheating ex-boyfriend.

If that wasn’t awkward enough, when the killer gets too close, Cooper temporarily moves into Ruby’s place while a police officer tails her every move. Cooper’s presence distracts Ruby as they fight their desire against their need to stay safe. Then Courtney begins to haunt Ruby’s dreams and secrets are spilled, things from Cooper’s past that could get them both killed. The killer continues to stalk Ruby and the more she discovers, the more she fears she won’t be able to keep her heart in her chest.

Now for the fun part, a special excerpt:

Cooper and Ruby hopped on his bike and drove back to her place. She even managed to peek out from beneath her helmet to see the city whip past her in a blur. When they finally came to a stop, she untangled herself from him – albeit a tad regretful about it – and handed him back the helmet.

“Thanks again for everything tonight. I know it wasn’t the most fun you could have, but I want everyone to be safe,” she said.

“I understand. I’m glad I went, too. I don’t want anyone else in danger. Plus, you’re good company.” He stood up as he said it, hooking the helmets on his bike.

“You don’t have walk me in or anything. I don’t want to keep you any longer than you need.”

He snorted. “You’re not keeping me from anything. I want to do it, but especially because I want to make sure you’re safe.”

Ruby bit her bottom lip. Her nerves fluttered a bit at the thought of a possible goodnight kiss. She could hardly believe how immature she sounded in her head.

It’s your best friend’s brother. This is Cooper we’re talking about, a voice in her head screamed at her.

Another voice spoke up. Yeah. It’s Cooper.And your thoughts about him have never been exactly brotherly. 

Shaking both voices away, she swiped her key fob by the entrance door and Cooper held it open for her. They took the stairs up to the second floor and walked around the corner to her apartment. Ruby stopped as soon as she saw her door.

“Something’s wrong,” she said.

“What? How can you tell?” He looked up and down the hallway.

“There was a barrier when I left. Remember I checked, put my hand on the door when we left? My spell was in place.”

“There was a soft glow on the door,” he said absentmindedly, as though remembering. His eyes narrowed and Ruby could see his veins throb in his neck as his jaw tightened.

“Only witches would be able to see it, but it’s not there.” Ruby took a few steps forward, placing her hand on the door, which was now simply cool and wooden. She retrieved her key and turned the lock, but Cooper stopped her.

“I’ll go in first.”

He swung the door wide open; he held his hands up in case of a fight or a spell, but silence greeted them. Cooper did a quick sweep of the apartment while Ruby waited in the entryway. He returned with Aziza in one arm and a letter in his hand.

“This was on your coffee table,” he said grimly. “Aziza was hiding behind the couch. She hissed until she realized it was me.”

Ruby took the note from him. As she opened it, Cooper stood beside her to read over her shoulder.

“Not all witches are equal. Some are born with extraordinary gifts; anyone can practice, but few are truly powerful. You are one of the lucky ones, Ruby. I apologize about your friend Courtney. She was powerful, but nowhere near your capabilities. I’m afraid that in order for my powers to thrive, yours must come to an end. I’ll be seeing you very soon. –X




Not satisfied? That’s okay, Liz also has GIFTED:

Even in a world of freaks, being a Firestarter is considered a dangerous Gift.

Lucy was born with the ability to create and control fire. She longs to leave the human world for one filled with Earthshakers, Transporters, and Chameleons, to name a few. When she rejoins the circus, it’s everything she hoped it could be—new friends, a potential love interest or two, and a place where she can be herself.

When troupe members begin turning up dead, however, Lucy is suspected of foul play. She must not only prove her innocence but also realize the full extent of her power. To find the real murderer, she must uncover the truth behind her father’s fiery legacy while figuring out whom to trust within her new circle. Little does she know the history of the Donovan Circus and its enemies might actually destroy the entire gifted world.


Want more Liz C. Long? You can find her here:

Website                Twitter                 Facebook Author Page               Goodreads


About the Author:

Liz Long is lucky enough to have a dream career in magazine publishing as an editor and writer, yet still have time to create adventures on the side. If you catch her staring off into space or talking to herself, don’t worry – it’s just her imagination at work.

Liz graduated from Longwood University with a BA in English, though her professors might be disappointed to hear she reads more fantasy fiction than literary novels. She also loves action and thriller genres. Her books probably won’t change your life, but she hopes they steal you away from reality for a while.  

Her newest release, Witch Hearts, will be for sale on Amazon on April 30th. Her first book, Gifted, a Donovan Circus Novel, is also available for paperback and Kindle on Amazon. 

To learn more about Liz, visit her website:

4 thoughts on “Day 4 of #BBF! Come meet #LizCLong and her excerpt from fantastic #PNR WITCH HEARTS!

    • So our winner for Liz’s WITCH HEARTS is….JEZEBEL!
      If you would be so kind as to give us your email address, we’d love to have Liz send over a personal note and copy for you. If you’re not comfortable putting it in the comments, go ahead and email me at

      Congratulations, Jezebel! Thank you for coming by!


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