Family Justice: What We Can Do To Protect Our Children

The final edition of News of the World, publis...

The final edition of News of the World, published on 10 July 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

  • You may feel reform is the answer.  Some of us are of the feeling that we must start again and reject all aspects of this wicked system as it is too far gone and was based on a grande lie.

A mother and her children

A loving Mother

Raising awareness for the misinformed and uninformed.  Also raising awareness for those who are already  involved in the system.  It is also important that people come to understand the failures of the family court do affect the population as a whole and this is just not my view.  The general public still tend to believe that the family court system protects and promotes the rights of children and families.    If you are not strong enough to fight a system peppered with corruption.   The date of the article and the recent reform reveals nothing has changed.  Many are  happy about the recent phone hacking scandal, because, now, the public can not argue that Government is not an enterprise and its people come last. 

Family justice: What We Can Do To Protect Our Children

Our entire society is based on one massive lie. The sooner we all see this the easier it will be to correct it. And make no bones about it, we do have to correct it.”

Family Court

Family Court Crisis – Our Children at Risk

“The number of public law [children’s cases] rose by 30 per cent between 2008 and 2009 and private law cases by nearly 20 per cent.”David Norgrove

Family justice is about equal rights, campaigning for improved family court systems world wide.

We do not want sympathy and one can only have empathy if one has experienced full on the horrors of the family court system and the impact this system can have on your family’s way of life.  

 They can create an illusion.  

Chinyere’s Law



Digital Assets
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7 Responses to Family Justice: What We Can Do To Protect Our Children

  1. As with everything in life: there is no One Stop Solution, there is no one world formula. There are new decisions to be taken every day: whom to help and how…

    And, above all, we need to do what preserves our soul. We must not allow ‘them’ to destroy it!…

  2. Pingback: Family justice system ‘damaging children’ | Parents Rights Blog

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  6. Pingback: Don’t Shoot The Messenger | Family Law Reform

  7. Pingback: Judges Can Create An Illusion – English Law

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