{first} Pinterest Project!

So I’m due for a baby bump update but I am NOT feeling good about any pictures to share, so I’ll wait on that one!

Since I discovered Pinterest I have “pinned” 404 things over 18 boards. (as up to date as when I’m writing this anyway!) Many many many of these items are craft ideas or DIY projects that I want to do. However, pinning SO many things to remember and save means I may not EVER get around to doing all of them. However, I really want to try to actually DO some of these things, so I added a page to the blog where I put items that I have completed with links to pinterest/the blogs I found them from.

My first project (made in June, I’m behind on blogging:) was to make this wreath

that I can no longer find on MY pinboards (pinterest is still a bit buggy) but I am glad I found it so I can link to my inspiration. 🙂

There wasn’t a full tutorial, so I definitely winged this a bit.  I took some pictures along the way! This was cheap and easy! Full disclosure, I ran out of felt and hung it up anyway even though it never got fully finished. I had to move on to other projects! (doesn’t that sound just like me?) Her’s of course came out nicer, but I was on a timeline- I had birthday party projects to get to! 🙂

This is what I started with

I cut up little squares from 4 pieces of felt- I wasn’t very exact. Just tried to fold up the felt in the same size and cut!

Then I used quilters pins (though any pin would’ve worked) to push them into the wreath. I found that i needed to aim for the middle of the square, then push up kind of under the last layer of felt to get the flowery effect I was going for.

I did the blue section last (because I had run out of the red & white anyway!) This was only 2 pieces of felt.

And many pins later,


((I really ought to take a picture of mine hanging outside!!))

Please let me know if you make one! the great thing about this is that you can do it with any colors and add any embellishments. I’m thinking of using a larger wreath form next time (i found this one to be a bit small looking on my door, so it’s hanging next to it) and adding more embellishments!

What do you think?

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