August 2, 2010-RHoNJ Tweets: Love em or Hate em, there’s no in between for the Manzo MOB!!

If your face has a red X across it, please STFU Beard (allegedly)!!!

What started it ALL for me last night: @LynnNChicago did Dina REALLY just call u “u ass?” this from the bitch who PAYS Zen Jen for fucking nothing????

Last night, I witness both Tacky Jacky™ AND Dina “negative positivity” Manzo completely flipped off the deep end. Now I get that people are “human” (right Dina?) and react to tweets they do not like; however, if you are a big, bad member of the MANZO MOB, you shouldn’t dish out what you cannot take. I have a real issue with these catty Real Housewives cast members who feel THEY can offend or disrespect followers, issue ultimatums, say WHATEVER they want, then delete the tweets like a bitch. Or as Dina just did PROTECT their tweets as if they are still an active cast member. I did see Dina call Lynn an ass, to be exact her tweet stated “don’t/stop being an ass…” with some other stuff in response to Lynn asking Dina a question….and if I remember correctly Lynn doesn’t even follow Dina as of last night (correct me if I’m wrong Lynn lol).

Between Midnight and this post, I have seen Dina call my beloved LynnNChicago an ass, completely go off a new twitter follower who was truly just asking a question/stating an opinion while not being too rude about it, to the point DINA DID BASICALLY ADMIT TOMMY LIKES WOMEN’S CLOTHING, FLIPPED OUT WHEN FOLKS, MYSELF INCLUDE, SUGGESTED TOMMY IS ALLEGEDGY GAY, and has since blocked a group of us bloggers… 10am today her tweets were OPEN and as of 10:57am EST DINA HAS PROTECTED HER TWEETS. WHY? In the past hour many of my friends and followers simply mentioned I had SCREENSHOTS FROM LAST NIGHT and the bitch backtracked, deleted, and then PROTECTED her tweets. FYI, I left ALL Twitter links in so if you want to see for yourself, clik thru, add any people, feel free 🙂

So let me re-enact last night, shall I? In a nutshell AND allegedly:

“I’m Dina, I am so much better than you. I am alone ALL the time cuz my husband Tommy is conveniently never around. He may OR may not be sexually attracted to me. He may OR may not like to wear women’s clothing. He may OR may not use crazy hours at the MOBstone as a cover for having an apartment down the street that he may OR may not share with a man. I will block you as a follower if you are NICE TO ME AND PPL WHO ATTACK ME. Yes, I do believe if you do not kiss my ass and tell me you love, love, love me, you are attacking me so once again you have to decide –FOLLOW ME OR FOLLOW THOSE THAT SEE THRU MY BULLSHIT. I will reply back with rudeness & call you names, but then immediately deleted the tweet, deny it, and act all positive. THEN I will protect my tweets like I am STILL a cast member and important, even though we both know I am not. The $$$ I pay Zen Jen could EASILY be donated to Project Ladybug, but I’m paid well as a beard (allegedly) and therefore I can just throw the money away paying people for complete and utter bullshit. Now I’m off to go to bed, alone.”

Now I have to state this separately and in bold because it is apparent that there are many Real Housewives fans, especially of NJ, that truly do not get my and other bloggers/fans opinions AND TWEETS.

1) You do NOT have to be a Danielle “lover” to be a Manzo MOB hater. The two are in no way connected or mutually exclusive; in addition, if you do NOT like the Manzos, they or Manzo lovers have no right to automatically LABEL you as a Danielle lover. It’s basically groupthink and TEAM mentality bullshit.

2) Many “fans” and bloggers, like myself, simply follow ALL Housewives to be in the know. Specifically me,as a blogger, I follow these bitches to be in the know as for as gossip & scoops go. I barely and rarely talk to any RH cast member directly unless provoked, pissed or just wanting to be supportive and last night, Dina REALLY PISSED ME OFF & RUBBED ME THE WRONG WAY. You do NOT have to LOVE a person to follow them on Twitter. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and everyone has a block button. If you are attempting to be “positive”, why continue to RETWEET and talk about a tweet that “offends” you? That’s what ALL these Jersey broads do (minus Danielle most of the time): they talk a big game they cannot back up. THAT is why I will continue to ride their asses – I despise a hypocrite and a woman that cannot or will not back up the shit they spew, point-blank. I have NO respect for a cast member of the Real Housewives of ANY city who is so afraid of what she has said on Twitter she feels the need to protect her tweets. If you say it, OWN IT. Isn’t that what the Manzo MOB says about Danielle and her 25-year-old past? I respect blocking a person before I respect protecting your tweet account, Just Sayin.

3) My favorite tweet of Sunday came from myself during a surprising moment of clarity between a Newport 100 and a Coors Light lmao. I tweeted the following “Dear #rhonj fans: Why must we fight 1 another? Why can’t we just fight w/ the Housewives? It’s not like any of US are getting paid 2 fight?” This is important, I don’t give a shit if you LOVE Dina or Teresa while I despise the broads, I’ll be damn if I start fighting with another person over these self-indulgent cast members who GET PAID. WE DO NOT GET PAID.  I am constantly defending my Pro-Daneille stance in my blog comments, to the point I repeatedly tell ppl if you don’t like it, don’t read my shit cuz you WILL NOT change my mind. I’m an intelligent, college-educated female who does this for fun but I know the different between right and wrong. I have always maintained Danielle is no angel or innocent, but the Manzo MOB has certainly crossed many a line over and over and THAT is why I do not like them – at the same time, when someone does do something I find funny or like, I can certainly admit it. I am NOT  a Danielle lover, I’m simply a Danielle Supporter who really, REALLY, does not like most of the Manzo family AND their close friends, point blank. That is my opinion, I have every right to my opinion, and I respect other’s opinions. THIS is how RH fans need to act: let us argue with the cast, not each other. I can agree to disagree and I can still communicate with you if I do disagree with your opinions…that is how adults in the REAL world behave. The Manzo Females live in a secluded fantasy land in which they can do whatever, whenever, and becuase they have money, clout, or maybe even inspire fear in some folks (seriously, Al & Tommy’s dad WAS killed in a MOB hit IMO…just wait til someone writes a Manzo tell-all called “Capo without Initiation” lmao).

4) Replying or tweeting a RHW cast member does NOT equal harassment. Apparently, Tweeting them something they do not like DOES equal harassment. Put on your big girl panties if you are going to tweet, the world does not have to love or even like your ass. Grow the fuck up, Manzo MOB.

Some of my favorite Tweets of the past week (especially last night when my ass was on FIRE & gunning for Dina, natch!)

My tweets/RTs from the past 24 hours (numbered):

  1. @LynnNChicago @Bravo_Maria@daniellestaub if your last name isn’t Manzo/Laurita/Guidice, Caroline doesn’t give a shit. Sad, isn’t it?about 10 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to LynnNChicago
  2. @dinamanzo is pathetic people who think their important cuz they on a Bravo show yet CANNOT TAKE the shit they DISH OUTabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck
  3. @dinamanzo @LynnNChicago isn’t that what Caroline does 2 ALL of em? she’s been iggin the girls, tsk tsk. Fuel the fire & watch em burn!! about 8 hours ago via TweetDeck
  4. @MadMaddyz get in line baby lmaooo I jk jk. Commentors always try 2 convert me but nope, I’m a @daniellestaub supporter 100%. Manzos R CRAZY about 8 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to MadMaddyz
  5. @Damnert well then I FULLY support u LMAO I love a good plan about 8 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to Damnert
  6. & altho I get a lot of shit 4 it, I AM a Danielle supporter, can’t help it. She’s the underdog of #rhonj, I feel for her but she’s no angel about 8 hours ago via TweetDeck
  7. but seriously, I’d rather not say shit to any of them SO I can continue to watch them self-destruct. Just sayin *wink*
  8. RT @Bravo_Maria: @ImStillToni Yeah not even @dinamanzo ‘s hubby likes her ass, and I mean that LITERALLY! [just ONCE a week, in public]
  9. RT @colibrimoon: @ImStillToni she’s going to tweet a prayer real soon! it’s usually a prayer to St. Jude [complete w tacky red extension!!]
  10. RT @rosemarynsage: @ImStillToni Part of the reason he wouldn’t be on the show was prob to fly under the gay-dar.I am sure his pals r RH-
  11. @MadMaddyz WE BLOGGERS ARE THICK AS THIEVES!!! lmaoooabout 7 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to MadMaddyz
  12. RT @Bravo_Maria: @ImStillToni Yeah not even @dinamanzo ‘s hubby likes her ass, and I mean that LITERALLY! [just ONCE a week, in public]about 8 hours ago via TweetDeck
  13. How’s this for ironic..I forgot I unfolowed Dina weeks ago! Block away Beard! An EX-housewife isn’t worth following…just sayin *wink*about 8 hours ago via TweetDeck
  14. @Teresa_Giudice are you at a friend’s house swimming cuz ur broke ass didn’t put in a pool in ur tacky ass house? Can’t wait 4 the auction!!2:11 PM Jul 30th via TweetDeck in reply to Teresa_Giudice
  15. @Real_Housewives why do blog readers/followers think if we DON’T kiss Manzo MOB ass, we’re having a feud? No, I just hate dumb ass broads 😮 7:06 PM Jul 28th via TweetDeck in reply to Real_Housewives
  16. @Damnert lmao take it as a compliment BUT if Danielle ever blocked me, I’d be hurt. And go at her in my blog lmao about 8 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to Damnert
  17. If you quit then DON’T COME BACK. The show was better without you, your “energy,” or your fucking UGLY ASS CAT, DINA!
  18. Dear #RHONJ fans: @rosemarynsageis good people. Dina is just a bitter beard. Don’t let her fool u: the quitter returns. Can’t even be real!about 10 hours ago via TweetDeck
  19. @ImStillToni @ LynnNChicago @absurdtosublime Jac? or not? PM Jul 28th via web Retweeted by you (YES IT IS TACKY JACKY™, I confirmed by age & it works out so she’s had those boobies at least since age 18 lol)
  20. if you’re a new follower, check out my blog at Lots of #rhonj gossip & fuckery. If ur a Manzo MOB fan, don’t bother lmao about 8 hours ago via TweetDeck
  21. I’m about 2 head out myself…dying to read some recaps before I pass out…PROMISE I will blog something about #RHONJ later today about 8 hours ago via TweetDeck
  22. @Bravo_Maria don’t get y Manzo MOB fans do that. t’s not like hating us is an initiation rite or summin? r they giving Brownstone discounts? about 8 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to Bravo_Maria
  23. @Damnert I have since given up attempting to read Jac’s tweets lmao its like watching dust bunnies move across thew dry abyss lol about 8 hours ago via TweetDeck
  24. Dear #rhonj fans: Why must we fight 1 another? Why can’t we just fight w/ the Housewives? It’s not like any of US are getting paid 2 fight? about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck
  25. lmao and since the Manzos need NO proof besides a 25 yo lies, I’m off to completely reenact last night, complete with calling Lynn “you ass”about 2 hours ago via TweetDeck
  26. AT least have the ball sto admit you tweeted the shit. YES DINA WE ALL KNOW TOMMY’S GAY (ALLEGEDY) AND U ARE A BEARDabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck
  27. Seriously NJ housewives. 1, u lucky that twitter finalyl fixed the big. 2, if you can tweet it, stand by it. Trifilin ass Manzo bitches

Other tweets from my followers/friends/fellow bloggers:

Damnert @ImStillToni I’ve been blocked by Jac, dina, danielle, ashley, teresa. Never followed them, but blocked by all of them#BigGrin

LynnNChicago The best part, @dinamanzo has me blocked yet was reading my tweets, she had to SEARCH for me to find em hahaha<–as Ashley would sayabout 10 hours ago via web

Bravo_Maria @rawveggies The one that got fired-up was@Dinamanzo and Jac tonight. Man they got a can of whoop-ass tonight. LOLabout 9 hours ago via web in reply to rawveggies

LynnNChicago @dinamanzo didn’t notice that I backed off of her until she came after ME, she alreay blocked me so I ignore her, she dragged me into itabout 9 hours ago via web

Bravo_Maria I’m still AMAZED that @dinamanzo would admit to me on Twitter that her husband Tommy is a cross-dresser. Then she deletes the post! OMGabout 1 hour ago via web

LynnNChicago @ilikecakealot lol thanks! I’m a fool according to@dinamanzo SHE says her husband is a cross dresser lolabout 1 hour ago via web in reply to ilikecakealot

@dinamanzo it’s so pathetic that people have nothing else to do than write blogs and harass the RH cast members-get a lifeabout 1 hour ago via web

MarrrrryJ @dinamanzo Maybe you could just stop retweeting foes and focus ur writing on fans 🙂 Zennn

@ImStillToni I mean the fans that are defending @JacLaurita . I like the show & she’s my favorite/thats not saying much,but its true.

@dinamanzo @LynnNChicago isn’t that what Caroline does 2 ALL of em? she’s been iggin the girls, tsk tsk. Fuel the fire & watch em burn!!about 7 hours ago via TweetDeck

WonderRobbie @dinamanzo haha I’m so using “tweetholes” from now on.about 4 hours ago via TwitBird in reply to dinamanzo

richncams @dinamanzo love and light much, Dina? Lolabout 2 hours ago via twidroid

@GretchenRossi be careful G, the Manzo MOB will turn on your ass faster than @BravoAndy drinks Maker’s Mark!6:44 PM Jul 26th via web in reply to GretchenRossi

@LynnNChicago WOW that was sumthin’last p.m. Dina back peddling as usual, ^5 for calling her on her BS

ul0vemeh88 @dinamanzo lol I think you kinda gave it away!about 8 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to dinamanzo (THAT was in reference to Tommy’s love of show tunes, lol)

And from my FAVORITE RHONJ Housewife herself (LOVE LOVE LOVE U D LOL)

daniellestaub @ImStillToni love ya baby thank you!!!about 4 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ImStillToni

daniellestaub @ImStillToni @realoldhouswife @lynnnchicago so trueabout 4 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ImStillToni

daniellestaub @ImStillToni I’m so grateful it’s not – I really don’t think they are honest or kind peopleabout 4 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ImStillToni

Updated: Just happened to stumble upon some of Dina’s Tweets last night that were NOT deleted lol… as I have said before, you CANNOT un-ring a bell 😀

Dina Manzo- Rhonj I am cranky lol, not putting up with any of the tweetholes tonight. Sometimes they just need to be told! 13 hours ago via Tweeter

Dina Manzo- Rhonj Dear tweeple, Please don’t be two-faced & be nice to me & the freaks that attack us. You know I don’t play the 2 faced thing. Thank you! Top of Form13 hours ago via Tweeter

Dina Manzo- Rhonj just came across something that proves to me how easy it is to weed out the phony people in ur life. Leave television & you’ll see who’s who Yesterday at 12:19am via Tweeter

It was these tweets, along with the MANY Dina deleted, that led me to finally flip and tweet the following, which I’m sure she is aware of since they continue to follow my PUBLIC tweets & follow me using fake accounts that only have tweeted ONE tweet yet follow hundreds, if not thousands, of people, more often than not BLOGGERS:

Dear Dina: I tweeted before you & I will tweet after u go into hiding. FYI, deleting a tweet does not REMOVE it from search engine caches 😀about 12 hours ago via TweetDeck

If you don’t have a backbone, DON’T TWEET. *fake crying* if you don’t love love love me & kiss my ass I WILL BLOCK U. GTFO with the bullshitabout 12 hours ago via TweetDeck

Grandma Wrinkles reminds me of a shaved vajayjay….NO WONDER Tommy hates that fucking cat!about 12 hours ago via TweetDeck

If you quit then DON’T COME BACK. The show was better without you, your “energy,” or your fucking UGLY ASS CAT, DINA!about 12 hours ago via TweetDeck

Dear #RHONJ fans: @rosemarynsage is good people. Dina is just a bitter beard. Don’t let her fool u: the quitter returns. Can’t even be real!about 12 hours ago via TweetDeck

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    • AutumnLeaves
    • August 2nd, 2010

    Did you link to the screen caps of her deleted comments? I’m not seeing it.

    xo, challenged

    • Nope, my comp crashed when my battery died around 3am-ish…altho I had the browser open, I refreshed and BAM, Dirty D went private and the tweets with it. Apparently Twitter fixed the bug about still viewed deleted tweets in searches & caches – also if a tweet is deleted, so are the RTs, which SUCK ASS IMO. SO I am on a mission to find someone with the screenshots, actually i plan on posting a short blog about it later after I finish this paper to flush em out…I KNOW SOMEONE HAS SCREENSHOTS GOT DAMMIT1!!

    • Char212
    • August 3rd, 2010

    I find it laughable that when they signed up for this that they probably thought the whole country would fall in love with them. Out of all the HW shoes NJ is the most pathetic.

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