I Have Found The Perfect Leader

I was looking on WordPress today and saw a posting about a “perfect dessert”.  My thoughts then began profiling the attitude, actions, and habits of the “perfect leader”.

We spend a tremendous amount of time, effort, resources, and mental energy on the subject of leadership.  We should because leadership matters that much.  To that end, here’s what I think is a composite picture of what The Perfect Leader looks like.

  1. The perfect leader sees what I COULD be.
  2. The perfect leader builds a great inner-circle.
  3. The perfect leader has great people skills.
  4. The perfect leader has both short-term and long-term strategies.
  5. The perfect leader is both under authority and knows how to exercise authority.
  6. The perfect leader has a succession plan.
  7. The perfect leader covers up my mistakes and remembers them no more.
  8. The perfect leader is my best friend.
  9. The perfect leader has unlimited resources to pour into my life.
  10. The perfect leader is extravagantly generous.
  11. The perfect leader is fun to be with.
  12. The perfect leader comforts me during difficult times.
  13. The perfect leader equips me with a great training manual.
  14. The perfect leader looks at people’s hearts.
  15. The perfect leader can build bridges with anyone.
  16. The perfect leader protects you from difficult people.
  17. The perfect leader gives you a clear career path.
  18. The perfect leader constantly surprises me.
  19. The perfect leader brings me joy and makes me laugh.
  20. The perfect leader constantly challenges me.
  21. The perfect leader always makes me look forward to the day.
  22. The perfect leader always argues on my behalf.
  23. The perfect leader is creative and knows everything.
  24. The perfect leader would die for His team.
  25. The perfect leader has so many more qualities that an unlimited number of blog posts couldn’t adequately describe Him.

I actually found the perfect leader worth following in 1980.  His name is Jesus Christ.  You can look your whole life and not find that perfect leader, until you look at Him.

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About Brian Dodd on Leadership

I am a church stewardship and leadership consultant for INJOY Stewardship Solutions. This blog combines my personal passions of church, sports, pop culture and family into a single leadership resource. I trust your time on this site will create conversations and add value to your life.

3 Responses to “I Have Found The Perfect Leader”

  1. bigbible The #bible Daily is out http://bit.ly/bMVtMM – featuring @ExaminerWriter2 @azjj09 @erotao @Parlox @BrianKDodd

  2. 1980? You were like 5 years old right?

    I didn’t find him until 1996 – I was 23. You could say He found me. That would be more correct!


  1. Rules of Leadership from Jamie Buckingham - 08/28/2010

    […] Here are some more good insights on leadership: http://briandoddonleadership.com/2010/08/28/i-have-found-the-perfect-leader/ […]

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