A sunny Easter weekend @ The White Swan
Face it. For the last few months you’ve been lying awake at night agonising over whether to mention a delicate issue that’s been bugging you day in, day out, day in, day out. Running around your head has been the same refrain, “When, when, WHEN?”. You ponder whether a cup of camomile tea or perhaps a large scotch will help you get back to sleep but it’s just no use. You can’t stop thinking about it. You just need an answer. You just need to KNOW. And so, at last, to answer that question, that all important question of, “When is that bloody twickerati site going to do an item on Twickenham’s best pub?” we can reveal to you that the answer is… NOW!

OK, perhaps you’ve not actually considered the question before or maybe, like a publication from the El Brute press office, you’re now trying to work out if there’s a hidden agenda here or if you read the text backwards it will reveal a satanic message from “Dark” Lord True in support of tougher parking regulations. We can assure you that there’s nothing so complicated or fanciful here. We’re simply asking the question: what’s the best pub in Twickenham?

The Cabbage Patch
Yes it’s totally subjective (and ultimately quite meaningless) but with quite a few boozers recently having had makeovers, we felt the time was right to ask. Will it be The White Swan (small, charming and with a great location but perhaps a little twee for some) or The Eel Pie (ticks a lot of boxes when it comes to local pubbing) or The Cabbage Patch (refurbished a la rugby) or the new look Fox? If you like it lively then of course there’s The George or The Bear. And what about that one that used to be a post office but which you’ve never actually been inside? Will you go west to the likes of The Prince Albert, the new look Sussex, or The Prince Blucher? Or maybe head off the other way to The Old Anchor, The Crown or The Turk’s Head. And that’s only some of them.

There’s a big old choice in Twickenham but which ones float your public houseboat… and why?

P.S. And don’t forget that you can still add you comments to our items on Twickenham’s:
best cafe
best curry
best Italian