Free Intro: Many Hands Make Light Work

Posted By on June 7, 2012

Parenting as a pilgrimage of the soul.

Transform control into connection, household chores into teamwork. Learn how each step along the way is a catalyst toward spiritual enlightenment.

Sounds easy doesn’t it?

Um … not always, but it can still be fun.

Each step is a challenge, a celebration and a testimony to how much we can still grow.

For the second time around, Heart Grown Family is offering a free introduction Friday, June 8th at 6pm, to a workshop called Many Hands Make Light Work at the Eugene Waldorf School, 1350 McLean Blvd. Eugene. Taught by me, yours truly.

Open to the public. Please RSVP Min Yi Su at 541-515-0103 or

Still Reading? Great! Here is more info about what we will cover:

– Integrate a positive perspective on chores for you and your family.
– Nurture a life-long relationship built on trust and respect.
– Learn to communicate needs and to hear them with compassion.
– Develop our children’s independence, confidence and enhance verbal communication skills for everyone.
– Create more time for family and play for everyone.
– Learn how working together builds connection.
– Generate a unique system that works for your family.

About The Author

I am a Chinese-American mother of three boys, parenting with the traditions worth keeping from the East and West. I continue to learn new ways of raising a family and myself.


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