Rocking my World!
… rocking your world since 1979

Team Ausindi

My house mate Sahai and I, have recently been exercising together  a lot lately with the aim to run a marathon in June, we have come up ‘Team Ausindi’ just as a bit of fun as he is from India and I’m from Australia and we are both working in Germany. It’s actually been a really great encouragement to both of us and not wanting to let the team down, and giving high 5′s at the end of each workout saying ‘good work team!’. Actually while I’m on the topic of fitness, and the marathon, I have lost nearly 20 kg in the past 6 months and I am really fit now, and I didn’t have a personal trainer or go to a gym, just a bit of dedication and commitment to achieve my goal of running the marathon, while I’m still working towards this, running in the winter was bitterly cold, and mostly I was running alone, but now looking in the mirror It’s totally worth it! It just goes to prove that you don’t need gimmicks just simple advice ‘eat less and exercise more’ and dedication and getting fit costs nothing! While Sahai and I continue to train for our upcoming marathon, Team Ausindi is

Rocking my World!

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