GuEsS wHaT?!

Back in 2014, I wrote a book during National Novel Writing Month. Actually, I started a few weeks before, in October. I wrote about 10K words, then another 50K words in November (I “won” NaNoWriMo — yay!) and then I finished a final 10K words in February of 2015. I did a lot of revising (as usual, because I write the most convoluted first drafts ever), and then I sent the manuscript to my CPs. I spent a million more months revising before putting the story on the back burner because amazing things started happening with Kissing Max Holden.

Fast forward to when my agent and I started chatting about what to submit to Swoon Reads as my option book. My 2014 NaNoWriMo project seemed like a perfect follow-up to Kissing Max Holden, so we sent the manuscript in. Time passed, meetings were had, emails were exchanged and then…


Swoon Reads bought a second book from me! I’m thrilled! I feel so lucky to be working with Kat Brzozowski (who is a brilliant editor) along with the rest of the Swoon Team, and I’m so thankful to my agent, Victoria Marini, who’s worked tirelessly for this deal.

So, what’s The Impossibility of Us about?  It’s a love story (duh) about a girl who wants to be a photojournalist and a boy who wants to be a writer. They come from different countries — different cultures — and there are a lot of forces working against them. There’s a cute dog, too, as well as a beautiful beach, and a lot of wishes sent to the wind. There’s also some kissing. Of course there is.


The Impossibility of Us is tentatively slated for 2018.
I can’t wait for you to read it!  

20 thoughts on “GuEsS wHaT?!

  1. Erin Funk says:

    This is just so awesome and really well-deserved. It’s great to see all your hard work paying off–with not one, but TWO books! I can’t wait to read THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF US when it comes out. Counting the days till 2018! 🙂

  2. Rachel says:

    I loved this book (when it was called STARS LIKE DUST). I still talk about it. (Hell I MAY have mentioned your great writing, super vaguely lol, to the Swoon Reads team when I met them in January at ALA) 🙂 I can’t wait to hang out with these beautiful teens again in 2018. But GAH THAT IS SO FAR AWAY!!!!! and p.s. love the new title!!!!

    • Katy Upperman says:

      Aww, thanks, Rach! You’re support means the world to me! And hello — I’m just a *little* jealous about you meeting the Swoon Team! I can’t wait to meet everyone face to face. And thanks for the title love! Ashley, one of Swoon’s brilliant marketing people totally came up with it. 🙂

  3. Lindsey Bouchard says:

    KATY! I am dying! This is unbelievably awesome and so well deserved! I remember when you were doing the writing contest in 2014! And now I have to wait 2 years? Insert emoji with hair standing up. I know it will be worth the wait. YOU DID IT! So excited for you and your family.

    • Katy Upperman says:

      Ha — I know! 2018 seems like forever away, but time has a way of flying, so hopefully it’ll arrive sooner than later. 🙂 Thank you again for all of your support, Lindsey. Means the world to me! ❤

  4. Miranda Gomez says:

    Love this!!! I can’t wait to read it!! You are well on your way!! Much deserved after all the hard work you have put in!!

    • Katy Upperman says:

      Thanks so much, Miranda! I never feel “deserving” of writing accomplishments, though I do feel very, very lucky. Thanks so much for being such a cheerleader — I appreciate it more than I can express! ❤

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