Another new Contributor – Stephen Wilkins

Aug 12th, 2010 | By | Category: Blog Posts

Allow me to introduce Stephen Wilkins, our third new contributor in the month of August. Stephen is a long time regular in the combox of Called to Communion. You may have seen him comment as “Wilkins.”  Stephen, a convert from the PCA, will be helping us fill an editing role and will also be writing for CTC.  He holds an MA in English and is currently pursuing his second MA, this time in theology, at Franciscan University. He has formerly volunteered as proofreader for The Glass, a literary journal published in the UK by the Christian Literary Studies Group.

Here is his bio:

Stephen grew up Presbyterian (PCA) but also spent a number of years in Baptist and non-denominational circles before going to college. He began undergraduate studies in English broadly evangelical but became increasingly agnostic and eventually left graduate school with a fist full of post-structuralist conviction and an excruciating crisis of faith. In 2002, Stephen and his wife were married in the Methodist church and, despite unanswered questions about the nature and interpretation of Scripture, for example, or the basis of Protestant ecclesial authority, they attended Presbyterian churches until 2007. That summer, they somewhat skeptically visited mass at the local Catholic Church and were unsettled to discover that the liturgy is entirely Christocentric, saturated with Scripture. The experience compelled them to study for the first time what the Church actually teaches, what she communicates and by what authority. They were welcomed into full Catholic communion on August 30, 2008.


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  1. Thank you, Stephen!

  2. Welcome on board (officially, that is!), Stephen! Thank you for your contributions to C2C’s discussions!

  3. Thanks, Christopher–and thanks also for your contribution here which has been substantial, encouraging, graceful, and challenging. I hope and pray there’s a Called to Communion conference some day and I have the opportunity to thank you in person, bro. Warning, people: I’m from the South: I hug.

    = : )

    In the peace of Christ,

  4. Welcome Stephen.

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