Picture This: What’s in a Label?

Latest in Labeling Standards

If it’s going on your skin or in your bod:

Certified Naturally Grown Logo

Upholding the most stringent standards without the USDA associated price-tag

USDA Organic Logo

Strict labeling ensuring the product is at least 95% organic

Products with at least 95 % natural ingredients and no synthetics suspected of causing health risks
Committed to organic, fair trade, and sustainable agriculture


The International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movement represents global unified standards expressing the principles of health, ecology, fairness, and care of organic agriculture

You want to build something durable and long lasting that:
  • Is non-toxic
  • Has been sustainably or locally harvested
  • Is recycled, packaged bio-degradeable
  • Was transported without burning a ton of fossil fuel

C2C upholds high ecological standards aimed at designing products that will be forever circulating, never making it to a landfill

brand.gif (200×200)

Ensuring consumer confidence that the purchase of their paints, cleaners, paper products, and windows have met rigorous eco-ethical guidelines

Keep your eyes open for these seals of approval state-side and abroad

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