{from scratch holidays} Maple, Citrus & Ginger Cranberry Preserves

Who doesn’t love a good tart cranberry sauce?

I do I do! I do love me some cranberry goodness, as I make it all fall & winter long. On meaty sandwiches, on toast, in coconut milk yogurt, baked into my granola, on oatmeal, in my cereal or a dollup on an argula salad. I love the ‘tart volumn’ turned up to high, mixed with a little spice, a little sugar and some citrus to go with it.

I. love. it. Its Cranberry Season!

What’s interesting, now that I look back on my cranberry preserve making, is that I’ve been dabbling in it far longer than I have canning & preserving. I’ve only been making jams, pickles, sauces, mustards and the like for a little over 18 months now. Cranberry preserves for Thanksgiving & beyond- for something like 8 years now. Its my November staple: whip up a small batch, using 8 or 12 ounces of cranberries, and keep in your refrigerator for a handful of weeks (if it lasts that long) and enjoy! Truly easy!

{add some maple syrup and away you go!}

This is my newest formulation with an exciting new twist, maple syrup. I am LOVING the slight hint of maple in the finished product. I will warn you: I like my cranberry on the tart side. So if you like yours sweeter, you can add another 1/4 cup of maple syrup BUT taste it first at 3/4 cup then add a tablespoon at a time. I should also note that I did not create this recipe to be preserved. Just make it for your friends or family around that Thanksgiving table and enjoy it. Or during December, make a batch of savory scones, winter squash muffins or some English Muffin Bread, put some in a pint jar and you have an excellent edible gift. As for the possible time-management issue: This recipe takes about 20-30 minutes to create this little taste treat from start to finish and you can make this days in advance of Thanksgiving.

Maple, Citrus & Ginger Cranberry Preserve
makes about 2 pints

12 ounces whole cranberries (I used 1 & a half bags of organic Maine cranberries purchased at Honest Weight Food Coop– I put the remaining 4 ounces in mustard and in my morning kale & frozen fruit smoothie.)
3 clementines or 1 very large orange, sliced in small chunks
1/2 lemon, juice & zest (organic if you can since you’re zesting the skin)
1/2 tart apple, I used Crispin from Saratoga Apple

3/4 cup maple syrup, I used Dianna’s 2011 Power to the Boil Syrup
1/2 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger root (The farm I work for, Kilpatrick Family Farm, grows it. I keep my frozen-double bagged- and when I need it, I just simple take out a hunk and start grating. works like a charm!)
a pinch of sea salt
a crank of freshly ground pepper if you’re feeling sassy.

– 1/2 cup walnuts (In the past, I’d put walnuts in EVERY batch of cranberry preserve I would make. I LOVE the cranberry/walnut combo and again, I love my cranberry preserve kinda crunchy/chunky. Now, that we can’t have tree nuts in our home, I don’t. I have used sunflower & pumpkin seeds but they don’t hold the form- they get kinda soggy -and just aren’t as awesome tasting as walnuts.

– 1/4 teaspoon of Chinese 5 Spice which is a combination of star anise, cloves, cinnamon, Sichuan pepper and ground fennel seeds. We are big fans of this stuff in our home. It was really an interesting twist, slightly “warming” as it has the pepper & fennel. Personally, I wouldn’t add this spice for a traditional Thanksgiving meal but rather if you are making it, as I do, over & over during the fall & winter months. A change of pace, if you will.

{Famous KFF ginger root w/ a little bit of mine too (Michael gave me a plant to grow myself)}


1. In a dutch over or your trusty stainless steel pot bring cranberries & maple syrup to a low boil. You want to keep an eye on this mixture and stir when needed. Don’t let the sugar burn! You aren’t making a jelly or a jam here, you just want the fruit to break down. You can use a potato masher after about 5-8 minutes to speed up the process, I do!

{I love clementines in the fall & winter months- a constant in my home}

2. Once on a rolling boil, and the cranberries are on their way to breaking down, add the apples, lemon juice & zest and clementines. Stir. You want the apples to cook down to soft, NOT mushy. I like my cranberry preserve to have a bite.

{my apple chunks are WAY to big- make them half the size}

3. Once apples are soft, not mushy add your sea salt and ginger. Cook a little bit more to make everything incorporated (everything will turn cranberry red). Take your potato masher through one more time to make sure all the cranberries have been mushed (nice technical recipe talk huh?) and then you’re done.

{this is where I stop. all the cranberries have released their juices & are mushy and the apples have cooked down a bit- perfect}

4. Fill clean mason jars or just immediately spread on some bread like I did. Or eat straight out of the jar. Enjoy!

171 Comments Add yours

  1. I can’t waitttt to try this. What a lovely recipe! The images look beautiful! When you have the time, do drop by my space. Would love to hear from you!

    1. Christina says:

      Okay, I have to be honest- you have the BEST BLOG NAME EVER!! And your banner is the cutest! Let’s keep in touch via this crazy-big-world-of-the-interwebs 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Amy Quinn says:

    OH yummmmmmmmm- these ingredients are many of my most favorite flavors ever! I live in Lake Placid- my sister works at the Glens Falls market at the KFF table with Keith! Love this blog! Thanks for doing it!

    1. Christina says:

      Hey Amy! Who is your sister?!?! I’ve probably met her as I am the CSA Coordinator for Kilpatrick Family Farm and work the GF market about once a month. Thanks for the amazing support & kind words. Please stay in touch via comments or coming to a swap (I know Lake Placid is far…. so I know its not possible).

  3. Betsy says:

    That looks so good!

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks Betsy!

  4. Looks tasty, of course. And we were just given a mason jar full of real maple syrup.. 🙂

    1. Christina says:

      Ohhhhh a mason jar filled with maple syrup. Ohhhh… savory that jar of goodness! I am so lucky to have Dianna, FSC Contributor & personal friend that supplies me with my addiction maple syrup addiction… now if I could only build a cranberry bog in my backyard I would have both vices at arms reach 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. What a lovely recipe — makes me happy just looking at it!


    1. Christina says:

      Thanks Mikalee! Makes me happy that you’re happy 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. abichica says:

    wooowww!! that looks so delicious.. 😀

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks Abichica!

  7. Christina congrats on getting on the WP front page! yay!

    And this sounds delicious! I would love to try it with pork!

    1. Christina says:

      YAY! Jessica- thanks for the love both here & Pinterest! WHOOP WHOOP! This would be killer over some pork-goodness! YUMMO!

  8. Sara says:

    Congratulations! Great to see you freshly pressed. Don’t cranberries have the loveliest color?

    1. Christina says:

      Oh they do Sara! I was so excited to whip out my Caribbean Blue dutch over for this shoot! Oh, and that leek & celery pie looks AMAZING! What a lovely idea & flavor combo!!!!

  9. Rory says:

    Awesome. Thanks!

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks Rory! Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Wow, really vibrant yummy looking fragrant preserves! Good stuff!

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks ediblesubstance! Its lovely, although I will be honest, once cooled, not so fragrant. 🙂 But all the flavors are there…. Happy Thanksgiving 2011!

  11. Karyl says:

    Yum! I am going to try this. It is an interesting mix of tastes that sound like they will go well together! Thanks!

    1. Christina says:

      My hubs scarfed down half a pint just this morning in his cereal & on some toast. He loves the faint maple flavor. Enjoy it! (and report back if you indeed make it at some point, wanna hear feedback, horror stories or successes) Thanks for stopping by FSC!

  12. lilysbakery says:

    can’t wait to try this, I love cranberries!

    1. Christina says:

      Ohh thanks! report back if you do, wanna hear feedback! Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. Yum! Nice photos.

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks Aileen!

  14. thebigbookofdating says:

    Mmmm this looks wonderful!
    Great photos as well, such a deep red

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks for the compliments thebigbookofdating!

  15. Beautiful pictures. I love that you used orange.

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks! Snagging a larger-than-normal orange bit in this preserve is a lovely taste treat. Orange is a really nice compliment to the sharp tartness of the cranberry. Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. windwein says:

    This looks wonderful. I’m making an Italian cheesecake for a party tomorrow night and was looking for some kind of seasonal fruit to top it off. I wonder if this would be good paired with it?

    1. Christina says:

      Ohhhhh yes! Do it! Gah- cheesecake with this preserve would be wonderful!!! Oh report back if you end up using it! GREAT IDEA! Have fun at that party!

      1. windwein says:

        Oooh, it was so good with the cheesecake. The tartness was just what it needed. I love the apples in there, and like you said, not mushy. That was a great addition. I think I’m going to throw a dollop or two of the leftovers on a toaster waffle this morning!

        1. Christina says:

          Ohhhhhhhhhh I am so excited! Its really cool to hear feedback of someone actually making the recipe. I am DYING over here because cheesecake with these preserves sound AWESOME! We can’t have dairy-products in our home due to my son’s severe contact & life-threatening ingestion allergy (anaphylaxis) or else I would TOTALLY do this pairing- NOM NOM!

      2. Anne Schilde says:

        I did something similar using spiced rum and sugar instead of maple syrup and used it for a cheesecake topping. Everyone loved it.

        This also looks like it would work very well with a bacon-wrapped scallop recipe I came up with.

        1. Christina says:

          Spiced Rum!?!!!!! Amazing. My next batch will include spiced rum- thanks for the inspiration! Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. i’m not even a huge cranberry fan, but that combination just sounds delicious!

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks for the compliment 🙂 I must admit, if you aren’t a cranberry fan I would “up” the apples or citrus and the maple syrup (just a tad) in this recipe. The tartness of the cranberry REALLY stands out… Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. robspreserves says:

    Love this site to bits !!

    Rob Wiltsher, England

    1. Christina says:

      Wow- thanks Rob for checking out FSC! I will do the same 🙂

  19. This is a lovely addition to the Thanksgiving table, 2011.


    1. Christina says:

      Wow, what a lovely honor to be on your Thanksgiving table! Enjoy the holiday feast- Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for stopping by FSC!

  20. Wow….this looks and sounds delicious! I am definitely going to try this. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks for stopping by FSC and checking out the recipe. My husband is addicted to this preserve. He scarfed an entire half-pint this morning in his cereal and on some toast. ha! Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family!

  21. aronsharon says:

    easy to follow recipe! thanks for sharing ^^

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks! If you have any issues or questions- feel free to ask. Its hard to explain the “how to” of cranberry preserves, basically you are just heating enough so the cranberries release juices and get saucy. There is no “set point” or anything to worry about. Enjoy!

  22. With all the great stuff that grows here, I wish we had cranberries on our property… this sounds great!

    1. Christina says:

      I too wish I had a cranberry bog on my land or nearby. I want to take a trip to Cape Cod to tour the cranberry bogs at some point in the next couple of years.

  23. gaycarboys says:

    I love the idea of making preserve but I don’t have the inclination. If only….

  24. Karl Drobnic says:

    I like the thought of adding maple syrup and ginger to cranberries. I’ll try it tomorrow.

    1. Christina says:

      Hey Karl! Yeah, the maple syrup adds a touch of flavor which is really nice. Its not “hit you over the head” intense! Thanks for stopping by FSC.

  25. Can’t wait to try this and have it on our table for the holiday. Thanks for this treat and hope you and yours have a lovely Thanksgiving!

    1. Christina says:

      Oh thank you Kathleen for the lovely comment! You & your family have a lovely Thanksgiving. I hope you give this super simple recipe a whirl. Seriously takes no time and the maple syrup is a nice “hint” of flavor with the rest. Happy Thanksgiving!

  26. Karen says:

    Looks really yummy!

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks Karen! Just ate some with a bit of greek yogurt & chia seeds. yummo!

  27. Jen Letts says:

    Oh yum! I live for cranberry season too and since my Key Lime tree is producing so much fruit right now so I’m subbing in Key Limes. Should be delicious!

    1. Christina says:

      Key Limes- fresh off the tree Key Limes- AMAZING! Report back, can’t wait to hear all about the subbing! Sounds delish- Happy Thanksgiving Jen!

  28. Beautiful photos! This recipe is way more interesting than my typical cranberry + sugar. I’m excited to try it out.

    I also eat cranberry sauce with EVERYTHING when they’re in season, and even after cause I stash them in the freezer when they go on sale after Thanksgiving. YUM.

    1. Christina says:

      I’m TOTALLY with you. I can eat cranberry sauce/preserve 24/7 from now until March…. then its time for springtime flavors! Enjoy it, hope you do take this recipe out for a spin. Happy Thanksgiving & beyond!

  29. The Mommy Lane says:

    That looks so amazing. I can’t wait to try this. I too am a fan of fresh cranberry sauce at this time of year!!!

    1. Christina says:

      Hi The Mommy Lane, hope you take this recipe for a spin…the maple syrup gives a subtle maple flavor which isn’t overpowering and the chunks of apple & orange are lovely. Happy Thanksgiving!

  30. starlight says:

    love it, if only i could try your recipe. how i wish cranberries are available in my country, well if they are, its imported and costs much.. congrats on being freshly pressed.

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks for the kind words Starlight- wish you could make this recipe!

  31. yum! its making me hungry!

    1. Christina says:

      Me too. I might run downstairs and eat the last of this batch I made for the post 😉 Thanks for stopping by!

  32. Hmmmm i think that is yummy!! i want to try it…i remember my course as food technology developing some nutritious food for the people who loves to eat…

  33. Looks even better than Pihbar ‘Traffic Jam’ which is supposed to be quite delicious. Great recipe!

  34. elizabethweaver says:

    This is the way I cook…I can’t wait to make it. Thanks!

    1. Christina says:

      Awesome Elizabeth! Let me know how it turns out!!! Happy Thanksgiving!

  35. zefy says:

    um……. yummy

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks Zefy! Hope you take this recipe out for a spin- it is yummy!

  36. afrankangle says:

    Interesting combo of individual great flavors. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Christina says:

      Thank YOU for reading & commenting with such kind words. Happy Thanksgiving!

  37. Meg B. says:

    Just found this blog, we too have been working here in KS to eat more of our local whole foods.

    1. Christina says:

      Right on Meg! I will check out your blog & keep up the good work. We’re trying hard to not only inspire our readership but also we’ve started two monthly food swaps and we go community outreach at various farmers markets and give out recipes and DIY food project demos, like making their own mustard & butter. Sometimes its the simply things, like a super-simple preserve, that can be most rewarding in the kitchen. Good luck on your local whole foods journey!

  38. veronica says:

    this looks beautiful and delicius!

    1. Christina says:

      Thank you Veronica!

  39. Thank you for your compliment. I’m going to follow you around now. Come drop by my blog sometime 😀

  40. What a great new look at cranberry sauce!

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks What’s In Your Cupboard! Me loves some cranberry preserve. This batch is almost entirely finished- ha!

      I can’t wait to take a look at your blog!!!

  41. This looks amazing – am loving the blog and I love this festive recipe.

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks for the kind words! Yeah, I’m a cranberry addict and around this time (Thanksgiving) its a good time to try a new flavor combo. I’m glad this one worked so well… I was suspicious. Ha!

  42. Mil says:

    Awesome, I just found this blog today and I had in the back of my head to make a citrus-cranberry sauce. This recipe will fit nicely. THX.

    1. Christina says:

      Mil, FABULOUS blog on beekeeping- what a resource. A fellow FSC contributor, Erika, is getting bees this spring and I am going to point her in your direction for sure! If I didn’t live in a townhome, I would be soooo beekeeping! And about the preserves, the citrus is a really nice treat, especially if you get a big hunk in a mouthful. Happy Thanksgiving!

  43. Dianna says:

    OK, since you used my syrup I am definitely making this. Yum. And congrats on making Word Press with your recipe!

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks fellow “freshly pressed” FSC blogger 🙂 Your syrup is almost gone… just in time for Power to the Boil 2012. Can’t wait!

      1. Dianna says:

        omg I just made it, and it is really good. Thanks.

        1. Christina says:

          NICE! So glad it got your seal of approval! Phew!

  44. The Hook says:

    Great post! I really wish I had some cooking skills!

    1. Christina says:

      No cooking skills required. Seriously. Put whole cranberries in a pot. Turn on heat. Cut up some fruits. Add to pot and simmer for a few minutes. Add spices. Done. Really easy, promise!

  45. Yum and very inspirational that the women have organised for such a good sustainable living project. I hope this movement catshes on everywhere in the world. Congrats for gettingbFreshly Pressed!

    1. Christina says:

      Thank you for the support & kind words NewtonLiving! We are trying to share knowledge, not only with our blog readers but also with each other and our community through our food swaps & our community outreach. Every step counts!

  46. Since you use lots of ginger n your recipes, I wonder whether you’ve heard of a ginger grater? I found one online at Williams Sonoma, ordered it, and love it! It makes grating ginger so much easer.


    1. Christina says:

      Ohhh ginger grater. I hadn’t. I just use a microplane I purchased at IKEA…. The freezer really makes it easier for me, but I will look into the grater- THANKS Ronnie!

      1. You’re welcome! It’s a small roundish device with small teeth that get the ginger out without allowing the stringy part to interfere. When I bought mine it cost $10.00.

        BTW, I just couldn’t wait for thanksgiving to try your recipe, so I just made it. Terrific! Loved it!


        1. Christina says:

          Ohhhh awesome Ronnie! So glad that you liked it- I’m always a little nervous when posting a recipe. My hubs flipped-out over it, so I knew it was a keeper!!! (Awesome news about the grater, I’m totally gonna check that out- thanks.)

    1. Christina says:

      “Yum Ginger” is right! And even more yum- fresh out of the ground ginger. So lucky to work for a farm that grows it!

  47. kat says:

    This is amazing! I can just imagine all the different flavors tasting so well together

    1. Christina says:

      Kat, It is a tasty preserve! Thanks for stopping by FSC!

  48. Joanne says:

    MMM!! Ginger. What an amazing combination. I’ll be sure to try this! I might give them as gifts once I can them.

    1. Christina says:

      Joanne, Thank you for the kind words but be warned, that I did not create this recipe to be water-bathed canned as I did not test for PH for safety. Are you pressuring canning it?

  49. The Colorful Spot says:

    Looks very tasty! Thanks

  50. jakesprinter says:

    Awesome I love this post and congratulation 🙂

  51. Great post.
    I too have a variety of food sensitivities…oranges included in my list. I look forward to browsing through your recipes.

    I have made cranberry sauce with Maple Syrup Sugar…lovely. Will have to try to include a little ginger the next time around.

    A friend whose kids also have a wide range of food sensitivities has explored the ALCAT blood test to further establish which foods her kids should avoid. Have you looked into that? I would be interested to hear your thoughts.

  52. Beautiful! Gonna try this this week!!

  53. Really appetizing! Great combination of flavors! Another good way to store fresh ginger is to peel it, place pieces in a glass jar with a lid and cover with dry vermouth. Refrigerate.

  54. aerah08 says:

    Tart cranberry sauce! Yum.. Yum! good post! my thumbs-up!

  55. Sounds divine! I’m big into sour cherries at the moment, might just try this with them. Of course, living in Australia, we don’t have access to fresh-off-the-farm maple syrup, so store-bought will have to do!
    Also looking forward to moire allergy-friendly recipes. I’m allergic to a bunch of stuff and close friends of mine are vegetarian and gluten-intolerant. Makes for an interesting dinner party, I can tell you!

  56. I am going to include this fabulous recipe in my article I will be publishing soon on the biological and biochemical properties and natural goodness of cranberry. It makes us all feel just better. It goes well on days one feels fatigued. It brings holiday cheer.

    Good job! great photos. You might leave a link on my article on Flu vaccine article
    Perhaps, my readers will feel better?

  57. tibia auto says:

    Thats v.nice. 😉

  58. Susan says:

    I love cranberries and citrus. Maple and ginger sounds like a delicious twist.

  59. that looks amazing. I am definetlely going to make this sauce at thanksgiving. Thanks for the recipe!


  60. Freshly Pressed! That’s so awesome because now I’ve found your blog:) Love this recipe and can’t wait to go through and browse the rest.

  61. Eggton says:

    This looks a little similar to something my mom and I make together every Thanksgiving, but this time we will add clementines and tweak it a bit. Thank you! You have a lovely site.


  62. fmerza says:

    YUM!!! I have to try this recipe! The pictures are gorgeous by the way, absolutely stunning 🙂 Thanks for the share!

  63. hlc17 says:

    We make homemade cranberry relish every year for Thanksgiving. The staples: Cranberries with Port, and Cranberries with Horseradish – look for blog post & pictures Tuesday. http://heathercoton.wordpress.com/

    Every year we find a new recipe to try and this year, I choose this one! Thanks for sharing!!

    FYI – I just stumbled upon your blog – great mission and nice to know that we are neighbors! I’m in Cambridge/Southern Washington County. I’ve blogged about the cheese tour and our Community Oven… in fact, I am headed there today to bake four loaves of bread.

    1. Christina says:

      Whoa! Heather, you need to come to one of our food swaps!!! We are totally neighbors. I work for a farm in Washington County, Kilpatrick Family Farm. Please stay in touch. I will take a peek at your blog and your cranberry recipes sound AMAZING!

  64. Krista says:

    This looks so delicious and special that I had to repress your post! I’m adding this recipe to my list for Thanksgiving this year, I think it sounds perfect.
    Thanks for sharing! I look forward to following your blog.

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks Krista! I just responded to your extremely kind “repost” and I am a new follower to your blog & twitter feed. Happy Holidays! Keep in touch!

      1. Krista says:

        We made this for Thanksgiving (with the Chinese 5 Spice, thankyouverymuch!) and it was a huge hit!
        We didn’t have walnuts, so used pecans instead. The whole thing was DEE LISH US.
        Thank you for sharing this recipe, my mom declared it: “The best cranberries I’ve ever had.”

        1. Christina says:

          OMG OMG OMG! I am just reading this fabulous news now- WHOA! What an honor again (I know I said it already) that my cranberry preserve made it to your Thanksgiving table!!!! Yay, so glad it passed with flying colors!!!!

  65. MEinRhyme says:

    Especially at this time of the year,
    cranberry sauce-
    Is the ultimate, is the boss.
    Delicious recipes

  66. you maka me hungreee

  67. Nicolle Morales Kern says:

    This looks amazing and I can’t wait to try it. I also love that you get together and do food swaps and go on food adventures!!

  68. Your table and wooden bowls remind me of my kitchen!! What a wonderful recipe – the ginger and sour is right up my alley! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Christina says:

      Thank you for stopping by! Again, if its a little too tart add more sugar (maple syrup) one tablespoon at a time. Funny story about those wooden bowls- my hubs & I didn’t have a wedding nor a registry but we got those bowls. Lots & lots of beautiful things. We were sooo blessed. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!

  69. laurelmark says:

    Thank you for posting this, I have wanted to try canning for a long time!

    1. Christina says:

      YAY! But as I state in the post, I did NOT test this recipe for water-bath canning safety. Its just a refrigerator preserve. I hope that’s okay. If you are truly interested in canning, I would suggest the book Put ‘Em Up by Sherri Brooks Vinton. Happy Thanksgiving!

  70. albeindc says:

    wow! great flavors and what a great blog style! i love it. definitely will be trying this recipe this winter

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks for the kind words. Please give the recipe a try, its quiet lovely. The maple syrup is a nice mellow flavor throughout. Happy Holidays!

  71. Ceee says:

    looks awesome! must try! thanks for posting this!

    1. Christina says:

      Thank you for reading! Happy Thanksgiving!

  72. rachel jane says:

    I would love to try this as cranberries are to die for, but fresh cranberries are currently not produced in Australia 😦

    1. Christina says:

      Rachel, Oh no! I bet with all the import charges that cranberries are priced like gold in Australia. So sorry ;(

  73. Oh boo! I made this with the intention of canning it, and am only now realizing that it’s not for preserving. Oh well, looks like I’ll be eating a lot of this scrumptious stuff for the next few days! 🙂

    1. Christina says:

      I am really sorry Beth. My assumption is that cranberries have enough pectin but my issue is there enough sugar in this recipe to be safe. Gosh, I’m sorry. Its why I kept the recipe to just enough for 2 pints & then a little bit. So that its enough for a family gathering and maybe a jar for home. Again, my apologizes.

  74. Yummy photos ^.^~

  75. Alyson says:

    This looks really good! Unfortunately, I am scared my dad would kill me if I messed with the cranberry sauce!

  76. Mil says:

    I just made this cranberry goodness (without additions…this time) this morning to bring up to our friends’ gathering for T-day. Oh man! And I noticed the flavors got even better as the ingredients melded. I’m sure it will be a big hit! Thanks.

  77. I just made it with organic cranberries and clementines, and it turned out scrumptious. I’ll be bringing it (proudly) to our relatives for Thanksgiving. My husband’s sister is involved in a cook’s book-signing series at The Chino Farms in San Diego. Alice Waters is the next author in the series in December. I’m always on the lookout for recipes that can be made with healthy, organic pure ingredients that will add something a little special to this once-a-year dinner. Thanks for posting this recipe.

  78. Wow. This stuff looks so good! My company just had a party where people brought food from all different parts of the world. I wish someone would have brought this too! Check out my blog @ actionaudioandvisual.wordpress.com

  79. Nix says:

    Looks delicious and would make fantastic Christmas presents! I’m experimenting with making some chutneys myself, it’s a lot of fun!

    1. Christina says:

      Edible gifts in general is a lot of fun, and chutneys & preserves are really lovely because there are endless uses; like a savory meat dish or made into granola or simply spread on toast.

  80. Your pics looks beautiful – I’d love to give it a go but fresh cranberries are pretty tough to find here in Scotland!

  81. Megan Liscomb says:

    Yum! My mom always uses maple syrup and a little bit of orange zest. I love the idea of adding some ginger into the mix. I’ll have to make this someday soon to impress her!

    1. Christina says:

      Do it! The ginger brings a little kick to the whole thing 😉 Thanks for reading!

  82. I love your photos and the preserves look absolutely divine. I love using cranberries in season, they are so delicious and pretty.

    1. Christina says:

      Thank you! Cranberries are dazzling both in color & their strong bold flavor!

  83. Pingback: DIY Holiday «
  84. Very nice, interesting and healty recipe: thank you!

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks for those kind words Vito! It was a big hit on our Thanksgiving table this year. Happy Holidays!

  85. Erin Olson says:

    Thanks for re-posting this! I remember seeing it last year and making a mental note to come back to it, but don’t think I ever did. Now I know what tweaks I’ll be making to our usual cranberry sauce this year! 🙂

  86. babyluluma says:

    Hi Christina,

    Just wanted to say thanks for this delicious recipe which I am imagining will become a regular Thanksgiving tradition in our house. I haven’t visited this blog since 11/18/11 and am realizing I need to become a regular follower and try out more of your stuff. Kudos & Happy Thanksgiving from http://www.babyluluma.wordpress.com. Check out my post from today. It’s all about the Maple, Citrus & Ginger Cranberry Preserve. Love it!


  87. BunnieGirl says:

    Cranberry Preserves: I am thrilled my search for an alternative sweetner lead me to your recipe. I used coconut sugar crystals which is tan in color and a similar maple/brown sugar taste. Seeing your use of maple syrup encouraged me to go ahead and try. I used 3/4 cup of water, about the same amount of coco sugar, one orange, all the zest, a smidgen of fresh ginger and cinnamon, half an apple, splash of lemon juice. It is SUPER! Mine is thick while hot so it will likely be very firm for the following day’s use. I think I simmered too long. Simply adding additional juice or water would thin it, but I love the bright fresh taste I don’t want to mess it up. thanks for your genius use of Maple syrup…I springboarded off of your brilliance and now I am going to have a non GMO, organic, preservative free, no HFCS sauce! Woo HOO! Ain’t life grand? At least it tastes grand! Happy Thanksgiving and THANKS!
    PS…DO NOT BE AFRAID OF THE FRESH CRANBERRY….it is a walk in the park.

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