Book of the Week: Hooray for Amanda & Her Alligator

Book of the Week, Children's

Hooray for Amanda & Her Alligator by Mo Willems

Published: 2011 by Balzer & Bray

Reasons why I liked this book, and chose it as Book of the Week:

I said it before, but in case you forgot, I’ll say it again: I love alligators. And think books with and/or about alligators are great!

I think Mo Willems is a genius!

The writing is witty and sharp, and doesn’t underestimate children or their sense of humor.

The end papers are fun – its Amanda and her friend alligator dancing around. It’s like they are telling you this book is going to be a riot!

I love how even though this is a picture book it is broken down into six and a half chapters. And these chapters all focus on one specific topic: surprises!

I love Amanda. She enjoys going to the library, reading books,and learning about different subjects like how to make you own jet pack and how to climb things and make money off of climbing things.

I think this book shows kids to read without regret.

Alligator scares easily. He even manages to scare himself. It’s really funny!

I love how honest Amanda is. When something tickles Alligator’s tail, Amanda tells him it’s a price tag worth seven cents. He’s upset and when he asks why no one wanted him she’s honest, and tells him: “No one wanted to buy you because they knew you were meant to be my best friend.”

It shows that *true* friends will always be honest with you, no matter how hurtful the truth may be.

Alligator has an awesome thinking cap. And it really helps him give Amanda the perfect surprise!

When Alligator is bored he gnaws on Amanda’s head. Not only does this not hurt Amanda (thankfully!) but it seems as this happens often.

I love how this book in a roundabout way celebrates books and promotes reading.

I agree with Amanda: “Books beat boredom.”

Amanda isn’t only wise, but she’s also an old soul. I love that about her. And love how it shows that children are getting smarter every moment.

I love how the book shows that there is always room for new friends.

I love how this book shows the importance of having a hobby. It’s keeps one’s occupied and expands the mind. Alligator has great hobbies: singing silly songs, playing dress up, and making discoveries.

I love how Amanda and Alligator have a new friend: Panda! Yes, this book just got ten times better! (I love pandas even more than gators!)

Panda makes funny faces. And Panda also wears a tutu.

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