AdamBertDaily Blog

August 2, 2010

Adam Lambert Leads the War!

Filed under: Great Information — adamquotedaily @ 9:47 am


 Thanks to @thefilmqueen for my banner!
Thanks to @dannielm
(. Dan’niel McKnight, CPC  Captured Images Photography


ADAM Lambert!   

OMG This is Adorable and new to me! 

At 1:55 Adam is the lead! 


Thanks to @TheAnswerIsLuv  (Adam Mount Carmel High School Airbands yr 2000) 


Thanks to @angelpf


Tempe Arizona 

NoAngelPF Aw Monte kissed Adam on the top of the head after Aftermath awww something diffrnt 🙂 




Tempe Arizona via @AngelPF

Tommy Joe Ratliff Corner 



Thanks to @ms_me



THanks to @rntmom for posting these two



Thanks to @finewinebaby






Here are the questions and answers from Adam’s twitter party. Credits to matertenebrarum (Thanks! and thanks to @AdamlambertTV for posting! 

Q: @adamlambert have you ever been to Ireland? You should do a show here. You have a lot of Irish fans. 

A: @ChloeMythen doing a show in Dublin in December I believe! 🙂 I was there once years ago. Love the accent. 

Q: @adamlambert Are you going to do concert tours? I really love you and I want you to come to vegas!! 🙂 

A: @GabyBieberLover Just in Vegas last night! If you wanna know when I’m visiting your area on the Glam Nation Tour, go to go to events. 

Q: @adamlambert When do you expect to get this tattoo sleeve action going? 

A: @catcherofdreamz Workin on it! Prob gonna do some classic Iconography then fill up the rest w some baroque swirly action 🙂 

Q: @adamlambert are you coming to the UK for a tour? I love you! 

A: @24793x yes! Touring the UK in the Fall. Stay tuned for dates! 

Q: new @adamlambert drawing on Twitpic: via @addthis 

A: @DreamBeliever08 Whoever drew this is a fantastic Artist!! 

Q: @adamlambert , can i PLEASE have your hat from the ‘If I Had You’ music video??? 

A: @simmalamb it wasn’t mine! Ha! Borrowed from costume house. 

Q: @adamlambert what’s the strangest place you’ve woken up 

A: @lovelyfreak in a park in the bushes. Many years ago… W a killer hangover. That was a wake up call! 

Q: @adamlambert What was the inspiration behind Rabbit Hole? 

A: @MsBroadwayBound The expansion of ones consciousness 

Q: @adamlambert how tall ru? 

A: @pearliaj I’m 6’1″. Upon meeting me, one of the most common comments is “omg you’re so much taller than you look on TV” 

Q: @adamlambert what do you have on replay on your ipod right now? 

A: @deb_forman I am currently addicted to two pop tunes I just downloaded: Mike Posner’s “Please Don’t Go” and Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” 

Q: @adamlambert Favorite movie ‘character’? 

A: @NotClaraBow Brian Slade – Velvet Goldmine 

Q: @adamlambert why aren’t you coming to LA?? Your biggest fans are here!! I would do anything to get you to LA!! lol 

A: @DinkaKartinka workin on it!! Ask my agent! Hahah 

Q: @adamlambert Is there a single moment U can think of that is ur biggest regret? Did it change everything? AND would U change it if U could? 

A: @vampyvet Absolutely NO regrets 

Q: @adamlambert Does Dusty Madrid have potential for a handlebar mustache? 

A: @Jessica0206 yes! Someone Photoshop one in!! 

Q: @adamlambert incase twitlonger hates me – what is your actual eye color? looks different in all my photos. need it for my tattoo 😀 

A: @ZaraLipstixx it changes. Pale Blue/gray/green 

Q: @adamlambert If you went to a foreign country today which would that be? 

A: @alrahrahahahah I am so excited to visit both Italy and France. 🙂 Glam Nation is coming!!! Would also love to vacation in Greece, see the ruins of Egypt, and party in Spain. 

Q: @adamlambert do you and @TommyJoeRatliff ever kiss off stage? or is it just for the show? 

A: @LAMBERTLUST hahah. That’s entirely up to your imaginations! Fantasy is so much hotter than reality most of the time. 

Q: @adamlambert what does Dusty drink? Margaritas or beer? 

A: @Bluelens1 Paps Blue Ribbon 

Q: @adamlambert just wondering.. do you shave your legs? 

A: @rachel_fabs95 hahaha fuck no 

Q: bwhahahahahaahaha wow RT LoveRatliff: @adamlambert IS TOMMY STRAIGHT?!!?! YES OR NO?!?!? 

A: @GlittahOnMyFace yup straight! He’s just sensitive and likes lookin pretty. 

Q: How much do I miss you? Haha RT @adamlambert: Twitter party time!! Ask me some stuff. I will answer!! 🙂 

A: @BambolaBambina not a much as I miss you!!! 

Q: @adamlambert how much do u love me!?? 

A: @alisanporter I adore you from the bottom of my soul 

Q: @adamlambert when are you coming back to CA and how did you get so badass?!? ahhhhhh! *fans self, etc. 😛 

A: @simoncurtis not home till December… 

Q: @adamlambert how’d you get to be so cool??? 

A: @IlseyJ ‘shutup! 🙂 

-interjection from adam: K ladies you know u love you to death… But where are my gays at?? 🙂 – 

Q: @adamlambert Are you planning on writing more on the next cd? 

A: @AriesWomanMarie yup 🙂 

Q: @adamlambert Would you like to share Spaghettios with Colton and I? 

A: @Nick_Mo sounds divine 

Q: @adamlambert Do you keep a scrap book of all your shows? B/c if so I have some great photos you could add from your show in Chesaning, MI 

A: @Tree_10 nope. Not materialistically sentimental… 

Q: @adamlambert questions…just love you…xox 

A: @scarlett_cherry I love YOU!! 

Q: @adamlambert Why so many video nazis at venues? Don’t you like the fan vids? If ur mgmt doesn’t like them, why don’t they do it themselves? 

A: @Glambert1904 I know!! My Mgmt has nothing to do w it though… It’s the venue rules. I truly don’t mind 

Q: @adamlambert here! Busy choreographing a striptease to “Fever”. Lol! 

A: @JoeRHarris werk 

Q: -protected tweet- 

A: @stayingcrazy sounds delightful. 🙂 

Q: @adamlambert um cmon! I’m around!!! 

A: @jairodriguez break legs in Vegas!!! 


Posted by @rntmom


Undercover Australia… Newly Released and Good! 

Early singing jobs, Growing up in San Diego, Experience in musicals Wicked etc and influences, performing with Queen, being on American Idol and bringing theatric elements to his music, Dealing with negative media exposure and making a record. 




Australia’s MusicPulse Survey Results – w/c August 1st 2010

Latest MusicPulse survey results are now available…and what a difference a week can make. A lot of those ‘Potential Hit’ numbers of the past few weeks have paid off this week.
Here’s the summary:
Vaulting into the No.1 spot as our most popular song is Adam Lambert with ‘If I Had You’, hot with all the main age groupings we track (10-39yrs). Oh…and it’s No.1 with the 25-54yr old crowd too. 



Posted by @rntmom



  Vote Often:            

kms15423: Seacrest’s AT40 request form IIHY made the Top 40 this week 

Elle_Higgins Adam Lambert’s If I Had You was #40 on the sirius weekend countdown 


VH1 –    Adam #4 today!  

 Who Do you want Adam to Collaborate with?  (Voted for David Bowie!)                           

 Vote Once a day: TCA –                               

 Z100 –                               

 Q102 –                               

 MTV Asia                             

   Much Music Ur 11:                             

  Much More Top 10:   HELP… IIHY DROPPED TO #6….HELP!     

 VOTE/RATE/We are on a roll!  Keep up the great job!                            

 One Click and Rate as a Hit                                             

  Sirius Radio             

Ala4adam: IIHY #1 on Rate The Music        


Thanks to @finewinebaby... The Warfield I think!


Glam Nation Tour Scrapbook ( save to your favorites)                    

More pages added!                            




If you need more, check out my Adamquotedaily homepage .  So much info to choose from.                                                                                 


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Adam Official website:                                                                                                

  Twitter followers today:  555,200  (+4200 in two days)                                

It is important for Adam’s success to have a growing, vibrant official fan site.  There is a great deal of good information there including messages from Adam. If you have had a problem joining or getting a password, send an email to and ask them to look into it or let me know if you still have any trouble. Please email your username to or DM @adamquotedaily (update:  Im in Adamofficial camp… blocked my account so please try to email the mod yourself!)                                                                                                        

If you have any questions about Adam or are looking for any videos, interviews, etc  feel free to ask me at @adamquotedaily.  I can’t promise answers but I’m willing to try.                                                                                                         

Please rate this post and/or leave a comment.  Thanx       



  1. OMG loved the MT CARMEL High School act, LMAO Adam was great in it though, as in everything he has done in the past Present & future. Only gets Betterer as time goes by.. Love you ADAM ♥♥♥. XO to u gloria.

    Comment by merrie — August 2, 2010 @ 10:07 am

  2. Loved the Adommy gif with some rear action. They usually don’t do that on stage, do they! Sexy!

    Comment by IsabelR — August 2, 2010 @ 12:21 pm

  3. Airband- of 2000-LOL Adam was wearing a fingerless glove even back then. There’s no mistaking those moves though eh?? hilarious! I wonder if Adam knows about this vid on youtube?

    Comment by Pam Thompson — August 2, 2010 @ 12:23 pm

  4. That Marching Band of 2000 with Adam is absolutely priceless!! and no mistaking Adam in there – the talent was already really noticeable!! But that first picture; OMG, Gloria; HOW EFFIN’ BEAUTIFUL CAN ONE MAN POSSIBLY BE??!! He is so gorgeously, ferociously sexy!! and that beautiful bare belly of his!! and that soft gingery – colored body hair – WHY THE HECK CAN’T THOSE PANTS GO FURTHER DOWN!! How much can 1 normal woman’s heart take on a daily basis – this man exudes animalistic sexuality from every minute pore on that masculine body. Thanks, Gloria, for waking me up this morning withth at picture; as usual, you get the best shots!!

    Comment by DeeDeeGlambert — August 2, 2010 @ 3:39 pm

  5. Tommy may be straight, but I think they BOTH want each other. I think that Adam can get Tommy to experiment!!! Especially with the from behind hip action–they were BOTH getting into it and then Tommy laid his head back on Adam’s arm!! Adam has said he has been MINGLING, but single–I think he has been MINGLING with Tommy!!!!! What does anyone else think!!!!

    Comment by Robin — August 2, 2010 @ 6:48 pm

  6. MY COMPUTER CRASHED no “Lamberting” for 13 hours!!!!! withdrawal brutal!!!! gonna get a BIG hit now! “adamquotedaily” – thanks for being my “dealer!”
    hopelessly hooked, no interventions please! carter

    Comment by carterthecougar — August 2, 2010 @ 7:27 pm

  7. @Robin Well, Tommy is straight, it’s just a stage act. Tommy has a girlfriend, and he was seen holding hands wit her. He’s not into guys, it’s all for rock and roll, and for fun and entertainment. It’s nothing more. Adam confirmed on twitter that Tommy IS straight, and he just likes to look pretty and is sensitive. There is nothing going on and if there was, then I think we’d know about it. Tommy’s not gay. That’s the truth.

    Comment by Glambert4Everxx — August 2, 2010 @ 8:22 pm

  8. I love that Adam has on a leather glove and sparkly camouflage 10 years ago! This, more than anything, seems to be a testament that Adam remains true to himself….that or the costume director for the show played a major impact!

    Comment by Jody — August 3, 2010 @ 8:27 am

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