A teacher on student Sex is no “juicy” news?

What’s with female teachers in love with teen students?

We had quite a number of cases over the last few years (Cauleen McGraham, Amy Victoria Beck)

The latest story is of Ashley Blumenshine, the  27-year-old dance and physical education teacher at Plainfield, Illinois, North High School. She was busted in the parking mall of a  department store after having sex with a teenage student in a car, the Daily Mail online reported.

So what’s with that rising trend?

Those adolescent boys admit that they enjoyed it and it went with mutual consent. The teacher in her mid 20’s, a fresh college graduate, now getting older and less attractive, with hormonal over-drive, and good looking young men around her. A good recipe for ego booster.

But the story does not end here, in fact the law is the law, age of consent is real and must be enforced. The parents trusted this woman to teach their child, not to have sex with him.

We understand the motives but we can’t accept the actions.

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9 thoughts on “A teacher on student Sex is no “juicy” news?

  1. The kids were probably horny teenagers who wanted to have sex, and she was decent enough to show them the ropes. Love between an older person and a younger person really isn’t as unnatural or as unhealthy as you might believe, and there’s a lot of maternal or paternal affection on the part of the older lover.

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