May I Recommend…

January 5, 2011 § 7 Comments

Nearly three years my quiet time was revolutionized when I was introduced to the Chronological Bible at a ladies retreat. It is a Bible that puts the Biblical account into chronological order and then into daily readings for each day of the year. For example January 1 the reading is Genesis 1:1-3:24.

Since the Biblical account is given in chronological order, when I read yesterday about Noah from Genesis, I also read some of the verses in 1 Chronicles that mention Noah’s genealogy. When I read aboutNIV One Year Chronological Bible, softcover   - David hiding from Saul in a cave, I also read the Psalms he likely wrote in that cave.

This allows me to read through the Bible every year and I get such a great perspective of what and when God did things. I am seeing His hand and His story in more detail. I am more in love with His word than ever because reading this Bible helps me put the pieces together. Also Iva May does blog full of daily questions and commentary to consider over each of these readings. Her blog site is:

All that to say I HIGHLY recommend the Chronological Bible. It comes in different versions, so look around to find your favorite one.

Also I am throwing out a challenge. I have not been the best at memorizing scripture until I found someone in the last year or so to hold me accountable. Now that I have that person, I want to help others by being that person. I am also feeling compelled to memorize longer portions of scripture. Again, not because I am so cool, but because I am so needy of the word! Psalm 119:11 says, “Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” (NAS) Without His word treasured or hidden in my heart I am certainly going to sin. I need more of Him and more of His grace. As I have been memorizing I am able to breathe grace in and out. I am able to accept grace for myself and give grace to others. Oh, but without His word, I am desperate.

So I am memorizing the book of James. I have finished the first chapter. I would like to have the whole book done by June. Can you help keep me accountable? If you tell me what you are memorizing, I will help keep you accountable.

I can’t wait to see where God is going to take us this year! May God bless the time you spend with Him. Praying, Reading, and Memorizing!

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§ 7 Responses to May I Recommend…

  • D2 says:

    That reminds me, I need to check with Brother Drew about the Chronological Bible I ordered through the church.

    Memorizing Scripture? Wow, I haven’t done that for serious since, um, I got stickers for it in Sunday School.

    Huh, James is five chapters. That’s tough but doable by June. I just moved out of my parents house so I’ve been a bit busy moving in and looking for a new job, but I’ll take the challenge.

    Moreover, I would like to fall right beyond you and also memorize James. Which version are you using? I find it much easier to keep others accountable on Scripture if we both use the same version. I will be fine with whatever version you use.

  • Hey, you might want to head on over to the LPM blog and join 8000 other siestas in memorizing Scripture this year! On the 1st and 15th, we leave a comment with the verse we’re memorizing. At the end, we all get to go to a special siesta gathering in Houston with Beth herself! 🙂 I did it last time (2009) and I rocked out my 24 memory verses! 🙂
    P.S. The whole book of James?! Wow. YOU are amazing!
    P.P.S. My memory verse is on my sidebar and will be updated every 1st and 15th.

  • Tracy Nu8nes says:

    Thanks for this post Angela. I just started with the Chronilogical Bible on January 1st and I love it! I’m doing it in the New Living Translation, but I keep my NIV and NASB handy for cross reference on some things. But, so far I am surprised at how quickly the readings go and how smooth it feels compared to just trying to read it straight through in a regular Bible. This is a great recommendation! Happy New Year!

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