Return & a CLOSED Giveaway

I’m back (in theory) from my hiatus. I like to think that the break did me some good, but I have to admit that I am still feeling quite a bit of pressure to post. Ah, well, that’s fine. I did get some reading done (not a lot, since I was playing Sims 3: Ambitions quite a bit.) But there are at least a few reviews written to give me a bit of buffer.

To celebrate my return to the internet, I’m giving away a few books (with the help of my lovely, squishy panda.) There will be at least 1 winner (up to 4 winners, if there are enough interested parties.) *

Option 1: You’re feeling adventurous and you live in the U.S. or Canada, so you pick a Mystery Book.

Option 2: You’re not feeling so brave, or you don’t live in the U.S. or Canada, so you’d like a book of your choice worth up to $10 from the Book Depository.

Option 3: You’re traveling light, and you’d like a rain-check on the book. That’s fine, you can cash in at a later date.

Option 4: You’re traveling light, and you’d like a $10 donation to the charity of your choice, that’s great, just name the charity when you enter.

To enter, simply reply to this post in an interesting manner. I’d love more haiku/limericks, but am willing to accept pictures of your bookshelves, the view from your window, a stupid joke, a bad pun, or whatever else your heart desires. I’m even willing to accept replies in an un-interesting manner, if you so desire.

For additional entries, you can comment on any of my posts (after commenting here, to establish your interest), but only 1 comment per post will be counted**For even more additional entries, you can tell people about this post. Trackbacks and incoming links will be counted as 1 more entry per person.

You may enter any time between today (September 10th) and the end of the month (September 30th). Be sure that when you comment, you use a valid email so you can be contacted if you win. This is important. Winners will be chosen via


* I’m thinking 1 prize for every 4 people interested.

** Comments make me happy, and I am so not above asking for them. 😀 Also, if you post 4 times on Howl’s Moving Castle, only the first comment will count.


Filed under Not a Book Review

19 responses to “Return & a CLOSED Giveaway

  1. Carol Wong

    Welcome Back! Here is a dull, boring entry:
    I would pick option #1.

    Ah, but I am adventurous, like when I ran to chance a moving train in China.



  2. Sims 3? You mean the time-suck that occasionally keeps me from being social and seeing the sun for days? Yeah, I may have heard of it.

    Mystery book 3 looks pretty mysterious. That’s my vote.


  3. ger

    Since I never read your blog I really cannot say welcome back so I will say,GLAD TO KNOW YA.

    Wow that’s a lot of work to get a book but let me look at those instructions later and I will let you know.Ger


  4. I am almost never feeling adventurous. Really virtually never–it’s one of my unfavorite character traits. Consider me Option 2. And here is a fun fact to make my comment more interesting: Spartans had this reputation for being totally badass soldiers, and they were when they actually went to battle, but for most of their history they didn’t do all that much war-fighting. They’d set up a war, and then be like, “Oh, hey, you know what? We can’t make it that day. We have a festival that day. Rain check? Don’t call us, we’ll call you.”


    • Spartans are funny like that. And yet their legend lives on.

      We did a city-state simulation in 6th grade, and I remember that everyone wanted to be Athens or Sparta, but I was Argos. We ended up winning the “olympics” we held at the end of the unit. It was really fun. Not that it relates at all, but talking about Sparta made me think of that.


  5. I love adventure but I don’t live in Us or Canada so I’ll go with option 2.
    Here are some pictures from my not-bookshelf:

    I don’t have a picture of the view from my window but interestingly one of the U2 studio is what I see and at this point every single person in my building shook hands with Bono but me. Although after watching a very significant South Park episode I will never feel the same about him 🙂


  6. emily l

    I would pick option four! That’s awesome! What a cool giveaway.


  7. I would love to join
    Your interesting contest
    ‘Cause I think it’s fun

    Yes, I suck at haikus. LOL. The view from my window is just the neighbor’s roof but here’s a picture that I took this year that I really liked:

    It’s a beach in Coron, Palawan here in the Philippines and I went there summer of this year. 🙂

    Also, here’s a picture of my bookshelf with my godson standing in front of it because he got excited when he saw all the books and he wanted his picture taken:

    I choose option 2, by the way.


  8. Hmmm, I’d pick option four but I don’t have a charity in mind and also I’d feel bad making you pay them for me. And re: the comments I enjoy reading your reviews but if I haven’t read the book often feel I don’t have much to contribute — but I know how you feel, comments do have a beneficial effect 🙂


    • Pfft. Pick a charity, silly. I have the $10 to spare for it, and I just can’t decide who to donate to. Most recently I’ve given to the Red Cross (because of the San Bruno fire) as well as the Humane Society in both Boulder, Co and San Bruno, Ca. Pick someone who’s not one of those three…


      • Oh, all right…but interesting is difficult right now. All my energy is going into putting together a LinkedIn profile — so corporate, so tedious, so altogether grownup. Serious BOO.

        I used to be adventurous. I even went on a couple of archaeological digs in Italy. So, past glories will have to suffice for now.

        And charity-wise….see I’d probably go for the Humane Society, so maybe whichever one is in a different county than the previous ones??


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