Lake Activities–What to Do and See at Fishhawk Lake

 Fishhawk Falls

People ask me all of the time if they will have enough to do out here, or if there are places to hike, bike, walk, drive to easily, or if they can use boats on the lake.  The following suggestions are just a taste of what you can do around here.


You can do a hike all the way around the lake and it’s about 3 miles with a degree of difficulty going up a pretty steep hill at one point about halfway around.  The paved road does not go clear around the lake even though old maps might show that.  There’s an old logging road called Greasy Spoon Rd. (love that name!) just before the first entrance to Fishhawk Lake located on the left,  that has many many trails, but one suggestion: bring a GPS, because you could easily get lost! You can see Astoria in one direction or watch the barges on the Columbia River in another direction. 




 There are other hiking trails along other non-used logging roads that take you up to some pretty high elevations and you can look down on the lake or see coyote skat and even elk, deer or bear skat, depending upon where you go.  I’ve hiked some of these  and have also done some hikes during the fall in search of chanterelle mushrooms–yum!!!  I always go with a mushroom expert, though.  Most of these areas are either unpaved, gravel roads or well-worn trails.  Some of the locals can take you through the woods and get you to these roads eventually because they’ve hiked them so much over the years.  We are surrounded by state forest or privately owned land, so ask if you’re uncertain if you can walk on it or not.  Fishhawk Falls is a pretty good day hike, but the first and only time I’ve ever done it, we went with a whole bunch of folks and took our ATVs (all-terrain vehicles).  That’s when I took the photo at the top of this article.




 Fishing and boating:

Because our lake is also our water source, we allow electric motors only.  The types of boats you’ll see here are canoes, kayaks, paddle boats, sailboats, driftboats, inflatable crafts and electric-motor-operated pontoons.  Sailing can be really nice in the afternoons as the wind usually kicks up about 3ish, from what I’ve found.  However, if you’re in a canoe and trying to go against the wind about this time of day, it can be grueling!!  I’ve done that, too.  Found out that if I’d positioned myself differentlyin the the canoe, it would’ve helped.  Instead I inched my way home going along the bank of the lake on the north side to try to stay out of the wind.

Fishing rules have changed recently out here.  What used to be “catch and release only” for all fish in our lake has now changed to being allowed to keep two cutthroat trout per day during the fishing season only, which I believe is May to the beginning of November. We have salmon and steelhead in our lake, too, but you can’t keep those.  There are several avid “fisherpeople”, and they LOVE it here.  We don’t stock the fish, either, so they’re all native to the area, coming in from the Nehalem River and possibly other tributaries.  Of course, there’s the annual salmon spawning that I’ve mentioned in one of my other posts….


My nephew, Nick hard at play!

Social Events:

Monthly, there is always something being offered at the clubhouse, sometimes adults only, sometimes kids only and often both are offered at the same time, but in different locations.  We just had a Valentine’s Day Dinner.  We have two annual events that are progressive parties: Dock Crawl and Cabin Crawl, which may have some name changes, but basically it’s a chance to see several homes in the community and have food and libation for about an hour at each place and then move to the next one.  It’s not only an opportunity to check out someone else’s “digs”, but it’s a great way to get to know your neighbors whether you’re brand new to the community or you just don’t get up here that often!  I highly recommend these, they’re lots of fun.  Now, you can choose to be as social or as quiet as you want to be.  Some of us are “peopled out” by the time we get up here and a weekend of calm, relaxing quiet with a good book or playing games with the kids and taking a walk with the dog is just what makes for a perfect getaway.  All doable!  Our Fishhawk Lake website will offer members and their families a rundown of the Calendar of Events.

Other outdoor activities:

Around the clubhouse area are some perfect spots for several things to do.  We have a paved tennis court that also houses a basketball hoop.  There’s a volleyball net on the expansive grassy area and a terrific playstructure for kids of all ages–I’ve gotten on one of the swings a few times myself and enjoyed the lake views from a different vantage point!  There’s a small beach and the little kids can walk right into the lake as it is shallow enough and has steps that can be used…but there is no lifeguard on duty…just an FYI.  You can rent the clubhouse itself for retreats, weddings/receptions as there’s a full kitchen and tables/chairs available and it’s reasonably priced.  Many of the social events occur at the clubhouse or near it and it’s an easy walk, bike ride or drive from anywhere around the community. 


Many of us have ATVs that we use for tooling about the lake and up into the higher elevations as well….and they can be fun during snowfall,too.  We’ll do whole group activities related to this or just hop on one as a couple or with a friend and take a quick look around because it’s fun and faster than walking.  Your choice!  It’s all GOOD.



For more info and listings, visit my

Gayle Rich-Boxman, Broker

Vernonia Realty

About fishhawklakerealtor

I've been the local realtor/neighbor for 14 years who lives full time in the Fishhawk Lake area, a private lake community in the middle of the coastal range in a very small town in Oregon . It's heaven out here and my husband and I have lived here full time for about 12 years and over 15 altogether as weekenders before that. This area is my niche, my specialty, my passion. Doing this is truly a dream come true. Let me help you make it yours. Call me, your local expert: 503-755-2905 REALTOR® John L Scott Market Center Also check out my blog on ActiveRain: Or to check out my listings go to my website:
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