Band of Day (10.27.10) Foals

27 Oct

Band of the Day (10.27.10) Foals

I don’t care, I know they’re not a new band and I know that every blog in the world is talking about Foals, but my level of care is at 0. I love Total Life Forever and I hope that A). you already do or B). you will after this post. Frankly, I’ve been listening since 2008 and to the current album non-stop on BART and I’m feeling like this album could be the Best Album of 2010.

We here at New.Band.Day have been in the music industry for a long, long time and when one of the your colleagues is taken away from this Earth at an early age, you can’t help but embrace life a little harder. It makes us even more grateful that we can listen to great music…all because of those hard working people. Foals is a SubPop band and when I heard the news that our good friend Andy Kotowicz, a staple at the label, was killed, I was devastated. It was only because of Andy that Foals has been a passion of mine.

So today’s post is a tribute to our good friend and lost soldier of great music…Andy. For more information on how to help Andy’s family, please go here.

If you don’t know Foals, here is the DNA….
Band: Yannis Philippakis (Vocals, Guitar, Live Drums), Jack Bevan (Drums), Jimmy Smith (Guitar), Edwin Congreave (Keyboard, Backing Vocals), Walter Gervers (Bass, Backing Vocals)
From: Oxford, England
Albums: 2010 Total Life Forever // 2008 Antidotes Mercury Prize nominated
Origins: 2004 Oxford, The Edmund Fitzgerald // Youthmovies
Sound-like: A fusion of Fleet Foxes and Bloc Party but add a little Catherine Wheel and Battles.

“This Orient”

“Spanish Sahara” -The build-up pays off @ 4:15

Official Foals

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