Squash that is spaghetti? Yes, please.

I have to thank one of my college professors for introducing me to this wonderful dish. I took a nutrition and food science class that was phenomenal. It basically explained why ingredients do what they do in recipes; their purpose. We then learned how to make and create wonderful dishes while learning the science behind cooking. Such a great class 🙂

While my cooking in college was minimal (mostly consisting of easy, throw-together salads, soups, and sandwiches), I did take a lot away from that food science class. So I thank Miami University and my professor for introducing me to spaghetti squash, the perfect pasta alternative.

Now, I love pasta as much as the next person (in fact I’m having a nice love affair with carbs), but sometimes it’s nice to switch it up. Spaghetti squash takes a little longer to prepare than regular pasta, but it’s just as easy. Simply slice the squash in half, length-wise (this takes some muscle) and bake for 40-50 minutes. Voila! Squash that is spaghetti 🙂

Spaghetti Squash
1. Slice the squash in half, length-wise.
2. Drizzle a baking sheet with olive oil and place squash cut side down.
3. Bake for 40-50 minutes in a 375 degree oven. Remove from oven and let cool until you are able to handle it.
4. Once the squash has cooled enough to work with, run fork from end to end, pulling out strands of “spaghetti”. If fully cooked, these should come out very easily and may just fall out on their own.
5. Top with desired sauce or toppings. I chose to top my spaghetti squash with sautéed zucchini and red pepper because that’s what I had on hand. I also added marinara sauce.

Spaghetti squash offers a healthier and lower-calorie alternative to regular pasta. One serving of the squash contains only 42 calories but also has 2 grams of fiber and 1 gram of protein. Another idea would be to add cooked tofu or tempeh to this dish to add some protein and make it a complete meal!

Enjoy 😀

One thought on “Squash that is spaghetti? Yes, please.

  1. Spaghetti Squash is so good — I will have to try it with sauce! I have to give credit to my mom for the idea, but I microwave it in a time-crunch (takes about 10 min) and it comes out just as delicious 🙂

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