Tempeh fajitas

I was wanting Mexican food the other night, so I decided to do it up vegan style πŸ™‚ I’ve written about tempeh and other soy products in the past. It has a very different taste and texture than tofu and works really well as a meat substitute, especially in these fajitas. They were so good and Chris loved them. He didn’t miss the chicken or beef in this dish at all.

Don’t worry, as usual, these are so easy to make and don’t really take any time at all. The tempeh offers a great meaty texture and absorbs the seasoning really well. It also gives this dish a lot of protein. The fajitas are so filling and healthy….I wanted a second one so bad, but I was stuffed!

The Layers of My Fajita:
Whole grain tortilla
Slathered on some Tofutti cream cheese
Tempeh/pepper mixture
Sliced avocado

Tre’s Tempeh Fajitas
1 block of tempeh
taco or fajita seasoning
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
whole grain tortillas
1/2 avocado sliced
Tofutti cream cheese (optional)

1. Slice the bell peppers into thin strips and sautee over medium heat with 1 Tbsp of olive oil. Let the peppers cook on their own for 10 minutes
2. Crumble the tempeh and add it to the pan with the peppers.
3. Add the taco seasoning along with 1/4 cup of water to the pan and let cook for another 10-15 minutes, until the water is absorbed and the peppers have softened.
4. Warm the tortillas* and serve the tempeh fajita mixture with salsa, avocado, vegan cheese or the Tofutti cream cheese, or whatever you like on your fajitas

*A great way to warm the tortillas is to place them in a dampened paper towel and microwave them on a plate for 20-30 seconds. The damp paper towel heats up and helps to soften the tortillas πŸ™‚

I served the fajitas with a side of Trader Joe’s refried beans and added a dollop of Tofutti to them. If you are ever in the mood for Mexican food, these fajitas are so good and they are so much healthier than going out to a Mexican restaurant. Enjoy πŸ˜€

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