Italian Cinema London (Ex Italian Film Festival London)

by Marianne Wi

PrimoCiak is jumping for joy, PrimoCiak is ecstatic, having found the “original” Italian Film Festival in London, it was re-named and is now proudly calling itself  Italian Cinema London ” and so it should. Italian Cinema London is kicking off on the 1st April and continues with a truly awesome and varied programme until the 10th April 2011. There are films galore and the Riverside Studios are such a great venue too, grab a bite in the bar before the film or if you must a drink, just ask for plastic glass and you can sip while you enjoy your film; luxury I think you will agree. Book early it is a small venue and London is home to more than 40,000 Italian, they will be booking early online, some of these film will never be shown in Italy, crazy I know.

You people of London are so spoilt for choise this year, there are such a diverse programme available to you; bring a sleeping bag and settle for the full 10 days, there is a Restaurant, a Bar and a Film Cafe too, what more do you need ?

There is this year a MasterClass  with Dante Ferretti, who is also designing a possible new Theme Park in Rome’s Cinecitta.

The Feature Films are :

Into Paradiso Directed by Paola Randi

Io sono con te, Let it be Directed by Guido Chiesa

L’estate di Martino, Martins Summer Directed by Massimo Natale

Baciami ancora, Kiss Me Again Directed by Silvio Muccino

Pietro Directed by Daniele Gaglianone

Eva e Adamo, Eve and Adam Directed by Vittorio Moroni

Tajabone Directed by Salvatore Merue

Una sconfinita giovinezza, A Second Childhood Directed by Pupi Avati

La bocca del lupo, The Mouth of the Wolf Directed by  Pietro Marcello

Niente Paura, No Fear Directed by Piergiorgio Gay

La prima cosa bella, The First Beautiful Thing  Directed by PaoloVirzi

Benvenuti al sud, Welcome to the South Directed by Luca Miniero

La quattro volte, The four Times Directed by Michelangelo Frammertino

Cosa voglio di piu, Come Undone Directed by Silvio Soldini

Qualunquemente, Whatsoeverly Directed by Giulio Manfredonia

NO that is not all ,They are running a mini festival within a festival to celebrate the life of Massimo Troisi, great actor and director who died in 94 age 41.

Scusate il ritardo, Sorry I’m Late  1983

Che ore e ? What Time is it ?  1989

Non ci resta che Piangere, Nothing left to do but cry   1884

Il viaggio di Capitan Fracassa, Captain Fracassa’s Journey   1990

Ricomincio da tre, I’m Starting from Three   1981

Il Postino, The Postman   1994

NO even that is not all, there are shorts too….. I am suffering from writes cramp so many film in one festival. Now please can you don you best designer gear and make the new Italian Cinema London rock, perfume and aftershave is a serious must too.

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