Skinpact Spotlight

December 15, 2011 at 10:23 pm 1 comment

The Anti-Age Diet

With Thanksgiving feasts under our belts (literally), the holiday season is kicking into high gear. As you start planning your next holiday festivities and start brainstorming your 2012 Resolutions, don’t miss tips on how you can kill two birds with one stone … by incorporating foods that will satisfy holiday guests and turn back the hands of time. Check out this week’s webisode of Skinpact News: “The Anti-Age Diet” for insight from Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields on how to eat your way to younger looking skin. Watch more Skinpact News webisodes on the Rodan + Fields Facebook page.

Entry filed under: Skinpact Spotlight.

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1 Comment

  • 1. BettySue Powell Schryver  |  December 16, 2011 at 4:38 am

    With Thanksgiving feasts under our belts (literally), the holiday season is kicking into high gear. As you start planning your next holiday festivities and start brainstorming your 2012 Resolutions, don’t miss tips on how you can kill two birds with one stone … by incorporating foods that will satisfy holiday guests and turn back the hands of time. Check out this week’s webisode of Skinpact News: “The Anti-Age Diet” for insight from Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields on how to eat your way to younger looking skin.

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